Can I transition this bulk to a cut/recomp


New member
So my cycle is gonna be something like

weeks 1-14 test 500mg (1000mg first week frontload)
weeks 1-4 dbol
weeks 12-16 anavar
weeks 17-22 PCT
HCG throughout

Question is, the first part of the cycle is gonna be a bulk however I am not particularly happy with my bodyfat (~14%) I just want more mass before I cut. So would this cycle be long enough to transition into a recomp and maybe add tren for 6 weeks or should I extend the cycle if I am going to do that?
What's ur stats? If u just control ur macros and keep clean u can bulk and still lose fat lol. Idk y ppl think they have to be strictly "bulking" or "cutting" there is no magic pill. It's all about ur diet.
^Yea I realize can't really bulk and lose fat unless you are running tren though with the way it inhibits fat storage. Diet will be a bulking diet the first half of the cycle and a very clean second half
Yea u can, it's called lean bulking. i do it every cycle. And Tren does help with leaning out when ur diet is on point. Gotta post ur stats bro. If ur dirty bulking for first half then cutting for the second half, it just seems like a waste of time
id say if u add tren , u should run it for longer then 6 weeks to get better results , but if this is a first cycle dont use tren , u could probably pass doing bulk the first 8 weeks the cutting the second half , bu tthe only reason i personaly wouldnt do that is because whichever mass u put on the first 8 weeks is probably going to be some mucle , but some fat , cutting will make u lose the fat , probably slow down in muscle gain from lack or calories and maybe even lose some of your acquired muscle from the cycle because it is not yet preserved and solidified , remember to u will lose some in pct too, i personaly would do one or the other , but hey , give it a try and let us know how it goes .
You can lean bulk I'm doing it right now, I have dropped 4 pant sizes and have maintained my bf% while gaining weight as we speak. I just got off the scale and I am at 230 lbs, last Tuesday 225 and its not a lick of extra fat. A little water maybe.
Yea u can, it's called lean bulking. i do it every cycle. And Tren does help with leaning out when ur diet is on point. Gotta post ur stats bro. If ur dirty bulking for first half then cutting for the second half, it just seems like a waste of time

Lok what. Lean bulking is eating around 300 over maintenance, meaning muscle comes by harder and more slowly, but makes fat gains much less if at all.
Not sure what my stats are gonna add to this. I am mid-20's with two previous cycles. I have never tried tren before though but I feel it could be a good addition.

I want to gain lean mass while losing some bf by the end of the cycle so that is why I was looking at I could lean bulk and hope the anavar takes off some fat or I could extend the cycle and add in a few more weeks of cutting is what it sounds like
If ur gonna add tren do 8 weeks. I would add it from the start as u will have great results throughout.
What can I expect the difference to be between running test, dbol, and tren as opposed to just test and dbol? I suppose it would just aid in keeping lean and probably really show once the dbol bloat went away...
I don't understand why you don't want to post your stats? I think everyone wants to help. What's your diet like? A clean bulk WOULD allow you to add a decent amount of lean mass and still cut down BF. that is exactly what I'm doing now with the same test e and dbol. IMO adding anavar if your diet is not 110% is a huge waste of money
. I am trying to start my first cycle but I am scared to purchase anything offline because I think I aM GOING to get scammed all I am looking for is a 8 week test p cycle to see how it works I found a website called do you know if it is legit or do you know of any other places I can get it from. Thanks
Adding in tren will shoot your strength through the roof. BTW..."bulking" is should be gaining lean mass only. I used to think the dirty bulking was Legit too...but trust me, there's no point in gaining excess fat just to turn around and have to lose it again..
I did post stats but obviously not the right ones. What stats do you guys want? I'll be happy to post them.

I am on a college meal plan currently so I am very limited in my options as far as food goes. I hit my protein for the day and use the scale and the mirror to adjust the rest. Once I can go back to cooking all my own food again in mid may I will start counting and weighing everything and that is when I will be starting the recomp.

I think I will just extend the cycle if I add tren and make it 20 weeks.

weeks 1-12 test 500mg/wk frontloaded at 1000mg
weeks 12-20 test 250mg/wk
weeks 1-4 dbol
weeks 12-20 tren @ 400-600mg
weeks 15-20 anavar 60-80mg
weeks 22-27 PCT
250 mg of test a week? Do this instead.

Test 1-15 500ew
Dbol 1-4 30-50mg ed
Tren a 4-12 100mg eod ( personally i do Tren weeks 1-8 and cut the cycle down to 12-14 weeks)