Can someone please explain to me why they shouldn't take Tren second cycle?


Beast666 Fanclub Chair
Tren sounds amazing, emulating exactly what even the uninitiated would imagine steroids to be like. But, of course, there's another side to the story, or should I say lots of sides? But they don't even sound so terrible, really. I'd go so far as to say that when compared to other compounds, like deca, the sides are moderate.

So what makes tren so special that it should be saved for veterans? I've yet to hear a convincing argument on why I shouldn't use tren for my second cycle, given that I'm acknowledging all potential sides.

For whatever its worth, my friend who knows nothing about dieting or training or roids used tren (and is about to start another cycle) and, besides acne, didn't have many complaints. He lost almost everything he gained for aforementioned reasons, but no complaints.

and for clarification, I'm not holding a vial of tren and a syringe waiting for someone to stop me. I'm on my first cycle, and won't cycle again for 8-12 months.
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Is it Tren E or A? At least if it's A you can pull the plug quicker. I think the sides can be more serious than you are thinking? Maybe see how your body handles a 19nor like deca first?
I will tell you what my wife says to me: Do whatever you're going to do, cause whatever I say, you're going to do what you want anyway!
Is it Tren E or A? At least if it's A you can pull the plug quicker. I think the sides can be more serious than you are thinking? Maybe see how your body handles a 19nor like deca first?
I will tell you what my wife says to me: Do whatever you're going to do, cause whatever I say, you're going to do what you want anyway!

I eas thinking. A.

That's an accurate description of my personality, but regardless, I'm thoughtful enough to at least consider a different perspective. Deca was my OG choice for second cycle, but Tren sounds like the better deal, and from what I've read on here and elsewhere, it is
or should I say lots of sides? But they don't even sound so terrible, really. I'd go so far as to say that when compared to other compounds, like deca, the sides are moderate.

youl never know till you try. having the aircon on 16 degrees Celsius and waking up every 30 - 45 minutes sweating bullets. tossing and turning all night. never getting any sleep. for days on end. that sh!t can make any man go insane.

youd have to try for youself but just dont go into it thinking the sides aint got sh!t on you...
No offense brother, but if you think deca sides are worse, you have a bit more research to do. :spin:
If you're not genuinely concerned about the sides or the effects it may have on your liver, kidneys, and lipids. Then you haven't done enough research. I am considering it for my 3rd cycle, ran NPP on my second so now to how to manage a 19-nor now. Though I'm still not sure if I'm ready for tren, concerned about the sides ( will run tren A and do ED pinning to help minimize sides and run tren higher than test - though this part is different for everybody). I'm still hesitant and have a backup cycle planned of test + mast +'var incase I don't feel confident to go through with it or if I do and I can't manage the sides and have to abort.
No offense brother, but if you think deca sides are worse, you have a bit more research to do. :spin:

None taken. It's not that I think deca sides sound worse, but similar in intensity. My post was unclear - what I meant was deca and tren Borg have what I would consider moderate sides.
If you're not genuinely concerned about the sides or the effects it may have on your liver, kidneys, and lipids. Then you haven't done enough research. I am considering it for my 3rd cycle, ran NPP on my second so now to how to manage a 19-nor now. Though I'm still not sure if I'm ready for tren, concerned about the sides ( will run tren A and do ED pinning to help minimize sides and run tren higher than test - though this part is different for everybody). I'm still hesitant and have a backup cycle planned of test + mast +'var incase I don't feel confident to go through with it or if I do and I can't manage the sides and have to abort.

I have honestly not read much in the way of permanent physiological sides. I'll do more research (why I made this post). Again, I'm not cycling again for 8-12 months after my last pin, so I have a few minutes, but was considering stocking up relatively soon
deca and tren Borg have what I would consider moderate sides.

How would you know if you haven't ran it? This is one of those things you'd have to experience for yourself. Some people love it some hate it. Some are fine with being winded just talking or walking up some stairs and some are not some are fine with waking up in a puddle of sweat every night some are not just because you say to yourself its not a big deal you can't know for sure until you experience it for yourself.
I have honestly not read anything about permanent physiological sides. I'll do more research (why I made this post). Again, I'm not cycling again for 8-12 months after my last pin, so I have a few minutes, but was considering stocking up relatively soon

I didn't say it would be permanent but even so if you're not concerned about putting that much stress on your body been temporarily then I guess its not a big of a deal to you as to me, I am concerned even if it's temporarily. I am concerned that when I piss it turns brown, for example. Even if temporarily while on cycle.

Some people do feel tren sides are over-blown but I've heard both sides and I just don't know how I'll respond to it. Like I said its either love it or hate it.
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None taken. It's not that I think deca sides sound worse, but similar in intensity. My post was unclear - what I meant was deca and tren Borg have what I would consider moderate sides.

then you dont got a clue about tren....
Deca is MUCH more mild than tren. many over do deca and complain about "deca dick" iv used it many times ( both even) and deca is easy and nice, never had the deca dick. tren will make you feel crappy + the other added sides. and for some its HELL.
not really worth is even if you get only mild sides imo...

avoid tren for many cycles is what i say....
If you're not genuinely concerned about the sides or the effects it may have on your liver, kidneys, and lipids. Then you haven't done enough research. I am considering it for my 3rd cycle, ran NPP on my second so now to how to manage a 19-nor now. Though I'm still not sure if I'm ready for tren, concerned about the sides ( will run tren A and do ED pinning to help minimize sides and run tren higher than test - though this part is different for everybody). I'm still hesitant and have a backup cycle planned of test + mast +'var incase I don't feel confident to go through with it or if I do and I can't manage the sides and have to abort.

Some one with their head on their shoulders! :-D ----^

nice to see! :)
How would you know if you haven't ran it? This is one of those things you'd have to experience for yourself. Some people love it some hate it. Some are fine with being winded just talking or walking up some stairs and some are not some are fine with waking up in a puddle of sweat every night some are not just because you say to yourself its not a big deal you can't know for sure until you experience it for yourself.

I think it was pretty clear I was commenting from what I've gathered, not claiming to know everything about tren

then you dont got a clue about tren....
Deca is MUCH more mild than tren. many over do deca and complain about "deca dick" iv used it many times ( both even) and deca is easy and nice, never had the deca dick. tren will make you feel crappy + the other added sides. and for some its HELL.
not really worth is even if you get only mild sides imo...

avoid tren for many cycles is what i say....

Fair enough, and duly noted. Thanks for the insight. You said feel crappy. what's your ersonal experiences a far as lethargy, quick temper and insomnia go?

And, again to clarify, I'm not jumping i***324;to anything for while, but brainstorming for a future investment
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I was getting about 3 hours of sleep, sweating all the time, ran out of breath walking 1/8th mile into the gym, had a dramatically reduced appetite, and wanted to kill my family on 400mgs of homebrew. I am 100% fine on anything else.
i was getting about 3 hours of sleep, sweating all the time, ran out of breath walking 1/8th mile into the gym, had a dramatically reduced appetite, and wanted to kill my family on 400mgs of homebrew. I am 100% fine on anything else.

I think its for more experienced users; but at the same time, if you do it now or later the sides will be the same. You have to be mentally ready for it. Waiting till you have done a few cycles is a good idea too. You'll get to know how your body respond to 19 nors like deca/npp wich are milder than tren by a lot. I personally would not do tren as a second cycle, but that's me. Your life, your choices; just be prepared for it
The way I see it, compounds should be used in progression. When you first get your drivers license you don't go out and buy bugatti veyron cause you really can't handle it and if you did it makes the danger side of driving that much greater. The game is about minimizing the negative as much as possible while getting the best bang for your buck. Without having run a 19nor like deca or npp you have no idea how your body is going to react to it therefor using one of the harshest injectables in way of sides right off the bat you may be setting yourself up for failure. Not saying it will happen but alot of people can't handle the sides, I have seen relationships crumble, holes in walls and yelling at kids from people I know who in general are easy going people. Alot of people also can use it from the get go with little to no sides but its a gamble and I would suggest running at least a cycle of a milder 19nor prior to dancing with lady tren and make your experience that much safer and better.
Haven't tried tren so can't comment from experience. I have however heard many horror stories which is enough for me to shy away from it. There's plenty of other aas available to make me more than happy. Tren looks good on paper, and although i'm sure lots of guys like it, it's not worth ot to me. And it was my first impression also that if you have to ask the question, your not ready for it friend...
I think deca will be my next choice. But we'll see. I was hoping that a few dudes would chime in and say they had ran it early in cycle careers with no problems, but it didnt happen, with presumably good reason
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So whats your goal, and why do you think Tren is the only choice to get there. I agree with using Deca. I thought of Prop/Ace for a second cycle, but I finally decided to do NPP/Prop to get some experience firsthand.