Can someone please explain to me why they shouldn't take Tren second cycle?

I think deca will be my next choice. But we'll see. I was hoping that a few dudes would chime in and say they had ran it early in cycle careers with no problems, but it didnt happen, with presumably good reason

I'm sure there are plenty that have run it early on, and may have even had a positive experience with the compound. The thing that I can't stress enough is that tren has unique side effects to the drug that I've never seen with anything else, ever. Sure there are sides that are common to all 19-nors, which is the number one reason I will recommend deca/NPP over tren to start with; so you have the ability to build up some experience with not only seeing which sides you get, but also so you can learn how to manage the prolactin/progesterone that inevitably come with using a progestin. It would be a bad idea to try to learn how to manage this while dealing with the unique "challenges" that come with trenbolone.

Now back to tren: The main reason I suggest folks wait until they have at least a good 4-6 cycles under their belts is because of the mental sides that come with the drug. If you become aggressive on testosterone, and can't handle your temper - tren will flat-out wreck you. If you tend to get emotional (non E2 related) on other AAS - tren will wreck you. If you are having problems injecting other AAS as you're still a bit needle shy, tren cough will make you reevaluate your choice of lifestyle. It's not that there is some super mysterious ability we gain, it's just that without being comfortable with other compounds and knowing how you react, it's one hell of a crash course.

And yes, you can become very violent on the compound if that is in your nature. Knowing how to shuffle that away and keep your calm is a huge reason to hold off if you haven't developed that ability. I'm not giving credence to 'roid rage', but the fact is that AAS amplifies emotions and if you can't keep chill when put under stress - you're in a world of trouble.

My .02c :)
I've only taken time to read through a few responses on the subject.
But AAS are like anything else in life. You don't start at the top. Tren is one of the most powerful AAS available today. Gotta work your way up to prepare yourself. Don't want to take in a black belt in bjj your first or second time in training do you? And a Jr High student can't take on an NFL player lol

You don't literally have to, but think of AAS as earning your right to try the next compound. Earn your right with experience to get through the various levels of AAS supplementation.

Best of luck :)
I think deca will be my next choice. But we'll see. I was hoping that a few dudes would chime in and say they had ran it early in cycle careers with no problems, but it didnt happen, with presumably good reason

Good idea. I am loving my deca/test run right now. Hands down way better than my sustanon run (1st cycle).
I think that if it was going any better my head would explode! Baby steps..
Like others have said build up to tren. The way I see it, is why take another compound if the first is working great. I know a guy who has only used test and Anavar (var) and done ... I think 5 cycles now. And he still sees great results! As for now I'd build up your experience with AAS and learn how you respond to different compounds and how you are able to handle those.

With sides everyone is different so just because your friend didn't experience "too bad of sides" doesn't mean anything for you. I'd do heavy research on everything it does, the good and bad. Then decide weather it's worth it to you if you were to experience all of the bad sides.

Remember all of these compounds need to be respected, and it sounds to me like your going down the right path; by that I mean, you're asking questions and learning why people are saying what they are.
Aren't you just now on your first cycle? The beginnings of it. I think you should be more concerned about the possibilities of what this current cycle can cause before you worry about another compound months away (if you wait the suggested times for cycling).
So whats your goal, and why do you think Tren is the only choice to get there. I agree with using Deca. I thought of Prop/Ace for a second cycle, but I finally decided to do NPP/Prop to get some experience firsthand.

Good point. There is no reason why I can't reach with my goals with a different compound.

Like others have said build up to tren. The way I see it, is why take another compound if the first is working great. I know a guy who has only used test and Anavar (var) and done ... I think 5 cycles now. And he still sees great results! As for now I'd build up your experience with AAS and learn how you respond to different compounds and how you are able to handle those.

With sides everyone is different so just because your friend didn't experience "too bad of sides" doesn't mean anything for you. I'd do heavy research on everything it does, the good and bad. Then decide weather it's worth it to you if you were to experience all of the bad sides.

Remember all of these compounds need to be respected, and it sounds to me like your going down the right path; by that I mean, you're asking questions and learning why people are saying what they are.

Another good point.

Aren't you just now on your first cycle? The beginnings of it. I think you should be more concerned about the possibilities of what this current cycle can cause before you worry about another compound months away (if you wait the suggested times for cycling).

Yep. Just finishing up my first week, in fact. This is my perspective, and it's how I started the cycle I just started: I read and ask questions about something before I start it, eventually landing a tentative decision. Based off others' experiences, comments and general research, I then have a specific compound to familiarize myself before making a final decision. Having months to think about it is an advantage. As far as my current cycle goes, I'm putting all of my energy into it :D Eating like a champ. I hope nothing is coming off as facetious; all meant with due respect, of course
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That is a great concept. To study before using, but from your cycle log I would think you could have conducted more research before starting the Test only cycle.

Too late now though. Glad you're planning ahead and I hope you are still learning things about the Test only cycle. You can never be too prepared.
That is a great concept. To study before using, but from your cycle log I would think you could have conducted more research before starting the Test only cycle.

Too late now though. Glad you're planning ahead and I hope you are still learning things about the Test only cycle. You can never be too prepared.

My cycle has a few shortcomings, and I'll be the first to point them out

-misunderstanding of the necessity of starting an Aromatase inhibitor (AI) immediately on cycle, especially with a predisposition to gyno
-no blood work from get go
-no hgc
-could have had better PTC

All, really, boiling down to money and trying to cut corners because of money, not from not researching test.
I know too many guys who have blown relationships due to the mental sides. mostly they turn into one big penis and can't keep it tied down to one woman. If your not prepared to clamp down on your libido, then you might want to consider being single for tren..
Lol my next cycle I have been considering tren.... you guys trip me out a little bit though I will admit that. If I don't run tren it will be EQ, masteron, testosterone p, and winstrol.
Lol my next cycle I have been considering tren.... you guys trip me out a little bit though I will admit that. If I don't run tren it will be EQ, masteron, testosterone p, and winstrol.

Shit, this thread has refreshed my mind also and now I'm considering to wait on the tren for now. I have one guy on one shoulder telling me, "fuck it, just do it" and then I have the other guy, my logical side saying, "test is best" lol I think the logical thing would be for me to go ahead with the test mast and Anavar (var) because test and Anavar (var) has worked for me in the past, it was my first cycle. Right now I'm making good gains on just testosterone replacement therapy (TRT), I must finally have my training and diet dialed in because I'm making more gains now on testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) dose (200mg/wk) than I did on my first 2 blasts. So I should probably just do another test + Anavar (var) and add in mast this time and probably just keep running those until I feel like those compounds aren't helping me anymore (is that even possible?) and then maybe consider tren.

I was really sure I was going to run tren, I was was waiting for the winter because of excessive sweating. The weather just started cooling down last couple weeks. Though I guess, it may have to wait until next year. Just doesn't feel it's the right time yet.
Honestly I am a bad guy to ask lol... Because im kind of bi-polar. One day I will be responsible and tell you to max out your gains with testosterone and trt. And than another day I will tell you... you only live one life and to run tren in the hot ass summer so all the dirty whores can see your rock hard tren physique.... Lol I am just not a reliable person to ask life altering questions to :).... lol ask half wit or doc they will tell you the right answer... I personally just feel like it depends on your goals. If you want the type of physique tren can give you than use tren their is no reason to use testosterone. Because it will not give you the results you want. But also realistically with a little harder dieting and training and focus you could get a tren like physique with just testosterone masteron and winstrol or a combination of highly androgenic non estrogen producing steroids. Just make sure diet is on track and training is to.... lol as half wit would say "insert 3j link here" or something to that degree.
I'm sure there are plenty that have run it early on, and may have even had a positive experience with the compound. The thing that I can't stress enough is that tren has unique side effects to the drug that I've never seen with anything else, ever. Sure there are sides that are common to all 19-nors, which is the number one reason I will recommend deca/NPP over tren to start with; so you have the ability to build up some experience with not only seeing which sides you get, but also so you can learn how to manage the prolactin/progesterone that inevitably come with using a progestin. It would be a bad idea to try to learn how to manage this while dealing with the unique "challenges" that come with trenbolone.

Now back to tren: The main reason I suggest folks wait until they have at least a good 4-6 cycles under their belts is because of the mental sides that come with the drug. If you become aggressive on testosterone, and can't handle your temper - tren will flat-out wreck you. If you tend to get emotional (non E2 related) on other AAS - tren will wreck you. If you are having problems injecting other AAS as you're still a bit needle shy, tren cough will make you reevaluate your choice of lifestyle. It's not that there is some super mysterious ability we gain, it's just that without being comfortable with other compounds and knowing how you react, it's one hell of a crash course.

And yes, you can become very violent on the compound if that is in your nature. Knowing how to shuffle that away and keep your calm is a huge reason to hold off if you haven't developed that ability. I'm not giving credence to 'roid rage', but the fact is that AAS amplifies emotions and if you can't keep chill when put under stress - you're in a world of trouble.

My .02c :)

This pretty much sums it up. With that said, I can run tren at pretty high doses and do just fine emotionally. I did throw a chair at the wall and beat the shit out of an oscillating fan once but that was unrelated ;) .
Hey man! Dont go fucking with those bumps that will pop up from time to time on Tren. Leave them alone! They will go away! Lol!!! I agree, stick with something else until your ready for that good shit.
The main objective to running a Tren cycle is being able to be in complete control of your estrogen and prolactin levels. It usually takes a lot of experience(past cycles), examining past blood tests/learning how your body reacts to different compounds and a magnitude of research to fully comprehend how to be in control. Not knowing how to control your estrogen levels can lead to loss of libido, gyno, acne, hairloss, water retention, high blood pressure, elevated prolactin levels, etc. With tren, you'll have the added responsibility of trying to control your prolactin levels which can lead to gyno, lactation, "tren dick", etc. Prolactin levels can still elevate independently of a well managed estrogen level as well.

You need to be well versed on your Aromatase inhibitor (AI) and anti-prolactin ancillaries and know to aggressively adjust your dosages based on how you feel, possible sides looming and blood tests.

If your AAS knowledge is not up to par with the aforementioned, Tren can BREAK YOU... It has unique sides that you need to know how to deal with such as insomnia/sleep disturbances, increased sweating/night sweats, lethargy, loss of breath, "tren cough", diminished cardiovascular capacity, increased aggression and irritability. Plus a possible ONSLAUGHT of mental and emotional sides...
Sounds like the last month of Recon training, here in Canada.. You Americans had ranger school.. lucky bastards.

If your AAS knowledge is not up to par with the aforementioned, Tren can BREAK YOU... It has unique sides that you need to know how to deal with such as insomnia/sleep disturbances, increased sweating/night sweats, lethargy, loss of breath, "tren cough", diminished cardiovascular capacity, increased aggression and irritability. Plus a possible ONSLAUGHT of mental and emotional sides...

I have to comment on the mental sides, I'm working with two women right now on ~50mg/wk of tren A, I was expecting to have to hide behind the closest M1A2 to escape their wrath.. turns out it actually calms them down.. it's insane, but they learn what their actual triggers are in life.. for one , it's her husband.. sets her off in a tren, touretts rage.. everything else that would normal be a big issue, they are calm as a nun...
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