Can you actually make steroids?


New member

Sorry for a total noob question but i am curious.

When druggies make meth, lsd or ecatacy, they dont buy powder and add oil. They start from scratch with precursors and do some chemistry.

On this forum it seems the idea of making your own roids involves buying poweder then adding some oil, or extracting hormone from other products.

Is there a steroid that you can make from scratch using easily available precursors that dont require a PHD in chemistry and a million dollars worth of lab equipment?

Or are they all too complex and you have to buy powder?

meth lsd and e are not even close.

I made a batch of sustanon last night, my first one. And I am the farthest thing from a chemist. I have not even gone to school for any of that stuff. But a few months of reading, some research and a thousand buck investment into my future ;)

Testosterone is testosterone no matter how you boil it down, its the ester that your talking about and I think that is where it gets complicated.

Perhaps other guys can shed some light.
But I know of whorehouses upon warehouses where this stuff is stored, in 45 gallon drums with plastic bags full of steroids in them.

Making the powder cheaper would be harder than buying it.
Thanks Dark.

Still confused.

When you say you made Sustanon (sust), do you mean you just had some powder and mixed it up yourself?

Or you made the test?

Testosterone is testosterone

And water is water. You can buy water in a bottle, or you can use chemistry to combine hydrogen and oxygen.

Since i live in the most controlled country on the planet, buying powder isnt an option.

Is the test people buy synthetic? Or is it produced by some kind of natural process?

I mean, who makes the powder that people buy. Is it made in a lab, or is it harvested from some young guy?


After some more research, i discovered the formula for making test. You start with a cholesterol molecule and yadda yadda...

So basically you need to be an organic chemist.

I found another recipe that starts with the prohormone 4AD and a simple procedure converts it to test. However, 4AD is also banned and as hard to get as test so kind of defeats the purpose.

So test is out, but what about the other steroids? Is there one that can be synthesised using common ingredients?

If you have a look in the sticky at the top of this forum: DTone's Recipes

I think you'll find it's not as difficult as you're thinking or making it sound. Getting the source is the hardest part and that takes time. Whatever you do, DO NOT ask for a source in these forums ;)
I purchased powder and brewed it myself. I did not make the steroid powder it was ordered.

Animalized is right, a trusted source is the hardest part. Once you start shipping chemicals into a country it gets sticky, try and find local sources for your compounds.
I think what he is asking is can you actually make the powder (raws) instead of buying the powder and brewing yourself. I havent seen anything about that, whether its test or another compound.
I think what he is asking is can you actually make the powder (raws) instead of buying the powder and brewing yourself. I havent seen anything about that, whether its test or another compound.

You can actually make the hormones yourself but as you said my man, it is going to cost you many many years of physics and chemistry schooling plus millions and millions of dollars tens of millions of dollars in laboratory equipment.
There are synthetic ways to make the hormones with their respective esters but what we do is not synthesis, just mixtures.
If you have a look in the sticky at the top of this forum: DTone's Recipes

I think you'll find it's not as difficult as you're thinking or making it sound

I know mixng powders with oil is not hard. But you can hardly call it "making steroids". All you are making is a simple steroid solution. The steroid themselves are already made by your "source". I just want to know how the sources make it.

But the other guys are right, i was talking about making powder myself.

I figured if criminals can make heroin, cocaine, x and the rest in clandestine labs without a chem degree using reasonably easy to aquire precursors, the crims would also have a way of making roids as its a multi billion dollar black market.

I'll keep researching and see what i can come up with.

Its surprisingly easy to make amphetamines which are a synthetic, and easy to extract tryptamines from plants, which are naturally occuring.

There may be an anabolic that is as easy, or maybe not.
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