Canadians First Cycle! (Test E, dbol, mdrol)

Why are you taking aromasin in the first place? Do you have estro related problems?
IMO Aromatase inhibitor (AI) should be used only if needed, and not blindly incorporated into a cycle.

No, but i figured with test and dbol being aromatising compounds better off safe than sorry. Plus I dont wanna put on tons of water weight. But ill take a few days off from the Aromatase inhibitor (AI) and see if it helps
PR on deads tonight! 405 for 5, havent been able to hit 405 for even 1 since my epi/trenavar cycle. Felt pretty good. Body weights going up alot slower now, consuming around 3500-3600 cals. Only got a week and a bit left on the dbols time to make the most of it
So Ive decided to run a mini log of my progress on my first cycle. Cycle is as follows:
1-4 dbol 40mg/day
1-12 test e 500mg (250 tues/250 fri)
1-14 Asin 12.5mg ed
11-14 mdrol 20mg/day
15-18 clomid 50mg/day nolva 20mg/day Asin 12.5mg 3x week

nizoral and taco8 for hairloss, aegis for liver support 1-4 and 11-14

Using Andromed Labs Gear, started the cycle 1 weeks ago and already up 7lbs (mostly water, but still). Feeling Fucking great

Macros are 300g protein/300g carbs/ 85g fats (total of around 3200 cals) for the first few weeks, then ill be bumping up to 3600 cals with similar macros

Hoping to gain and keep 15lbs lean after post cycle therapy (pct), should be attainable. Updates will be every few days but feel free to ask questions

The all steps are good I agree with you.
Day 28, up 23 lbs as of this morning, getting kind of sick force feeding myself clean foods everyday, gunna start getting a little dirty with it just so i can get all my cals in. Also stopped my Aromatase inhibitor (AI) as of a few days ago in hopes it would help with lethargy but it hasnt so im not sure what to do. When im not at the gym/working all i do is sleep. No nip sensitivity but starting to get bloated. Also sick of the constant back/forearm pumps lately even with taurine at 10g/day. /Rant
Yea clean eating is tougher than doing deadlifts lol. If your gonna eat dirty, do it smart. Not too much.

It really is, especially when trying to take in shit tons of water too everyday i just constantly feel full. When i say eat a bit dirtier i mean ill be starting to incorporate fattier red meats into my diet for the added fats/cals. All my carbs come from whole grains (except post w/o), protein from chicken/fish/whey/eggs/red meat, and fats from olive oil/flax oil/red meats, and egg yolk. Taking in over 3600 cals now, will keep this amount until i stop gaining weight and then bump up to 4000
So i ended up losing only 2lbs of water from the dbols, but gained it back relatively quickly as the test is now in full swing. Up almost 30lbs from the start now, holding some water but pants are still fitting the same so not too much fat. Strength gains are definitley slower now that im off the dbols, but ill be throwing in mdrol in a few weeks to finish it all off. Cals have now been bumped to almost 4000 to make up for all the weight gain, its a struggle constantly force feeding but its paying off. Getting sick of teh roidz comments though, im not a good liar so i feel like everyone knows im full of shit when i say "oh ya just taking creatine and eating tons"
First pic is when i started working out 5 years ago at around 130. Second pic was taken today at 210
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Nice pic comparison, different lighting, one is zoomed in on your forearms....
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Nice pic comparison, different lighting, one is zoomed in on your forearms....

The first photo was when i began working out 5 years ago, naturally, at around 130. I worked my way up to around 180 over the years before starting my first cycle, and am now close to 210. I have plenty of pictures over the years just didnt feel the need to post them all
Half of these logs on the cycle forum make me sick. I still haven't touched AAS or PH.

what do you mean by they make you sick? This was not meant to be a detailed log of any sort, more or less a way for me to keep track of my progress by updating every so often
what do you mean by they make you sick? This was not meant to be a detailed log of any sort, more or less a way for me to keep track of my progress by updating every so often

What is the point of posting a log at all if it is not detailed and goes over what worked and what didn't? For me, a log is a way for me to see what results somebody else got running a similar cycle. Recently somebody was asking about folks running over a gram of test. They weren't looking for fuzzy pictures in the dark with few details. They were looking for answers.

Step it up.
That's my exact hair maintenance protocol: Toco-8 and Nizoral. Luckily I don't need a lot of help in that department.

Glad to see someone using Aegis as well, definitely a great liver support supp.

How is the cycle going?