Career Transition! Normal Job - to - Fitness/Nutrition Related Career


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What's up people?

Today I wanted to start a thread talking about the opening of a gym, workout facility, health club, becoming a personal trainer, developing a new supplement, managing clients nutrition, or any other sort of fitness/nutrition endeavor!

I don't know much about it.. probably about as far as a wikiHow will take me so, very little really.

If anyone has some experience on the matter please do share your thoughts. I'd like to career swap in a few years and any help with direction, would be appreciated greatly. Preferably from someone in the process of, or already has made the switch themselves; successfully or unsuccessfully. (Can learn from others mistakes)

I personally am interested in nearly all of the ventures listed above, besides opening a facility and calling it a "health club". But, I do understand businesses like that draw certain audiences and can make quite a chunk of change in the right area.

I've taken a few business courses, high school and college. I understand the basic mechanics of business, creating a plan, presenting for a loan, and know how to effectively manage money.

I am typically a clean cut, professional person. And I've had a passion for these things since my early teens.

Thanks ahead of time!
There are many things to consider in starting a business. You need an experienced trainers too! However, we cannot all be good at math. Many of us have battled with math since early school days. Yet adults we need to develop specific math skills if we want to make balanced financial choices.
I've owned 4 businesses of which 2 failed. 1 was out of my hands, the other was inexperience.

Start with a personal training or some type of fitness service which requires low investment.

Nothing like putting $200,000 on the line to open a gym and lose it in 18 months.

Nothing teaches success like failure... fail small... then succeed big. You really have to know a market to succeed in it.
I've known a few people now who have taken a step out and started a gym. There is a lot of this going on right now with the Crossfit type model. There isn't a lot of overhead if you purchase the bare minimum of equipment and run it out of a storage locker. The two groups I've known have done this. One started out of one of their Dad's garage. They all kept their regular jobs and grew the business for a few years before going full-time. There really are people out there that want to pay $150/month to do really random stuff.
i own two business.. both of which are currently successful..

keep in mind when you own a business youre only as good as your last week... there is no guaranteed paycheck.. when you work a 9 to 5 you have a stable income.. there is no such thing as a stable income in owning a business.. its always a hustle..

the closest thing you can come to it is working commission only.. and even with that youre taking little risk because you never see the huge overhead of the actual business youre working for..

are you ready to take that risk?? what happens if it fails?? can you make your bills??

you have alot to think about..
Gyms are a tough, super competitive business since fitness like restaurants has a constant ebb and flow based on current fads. Also keep in mind the fastest way for you to start hating your hobby is to make it your job. 3J what are your two business in? Obviously your nutrition business here must take up a large amount of your time.
I keep on self-educating in this area, but leaving my stable job for being a personal trainer. Very doubtful and risky to me.