Carrot top on gear?

He's out of control! I googled his image and his shoulders look like shit! Thats not AAS. Thats sythol or volume site injections of something harsh! Looks terrible
He's out of control! I googled his image and his shoulders look like shit! Thats not AAS. Thats sythol or volume site injections of something harsh! Looks terrible

Years ago I used to train at Gold's in Venice, CA, and used to see Carrottop in there. He was lean, but pretty damn small. He didn't really have the look of a guy that could get very big. I think he's probably juicing, judging from the dramatic change in his physique.
He's obviously had plastic surgery on his face...he looks way different. As far as juice goes...he admitted to it...just like Danny Bonaduce. Lots of people take juice. I don't see the big deal. Good for him...He would have had to follow a rigorous diet and exercise plan and he looks way better than he did before. His face is waayyy screwed up though, but maybe he had his reasons. Who are we to judge? You have to keep in mind, he's 43 years old...most of you would kill to look like that at 43.




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Years ago I used to train at Gold's in Venice, CA, and used to see Carrottop in there. He was lean, but pretty damn small. He didn't really have the look of a guy that could get very big. I think he's probably juicing, judging from the dramatic change in his physique.

A couple of years back I was going through vegas on a road trip and ended up working out at the Golds on Sahara. Carrot Top ends up walking in midway through my workout. He is definitely on the sauce. I can tell because he does a lot of "pump me up" crap that only works if you're juicing.
SOO many actors/actresses/entertainment personalities use some form of hormone. Sean Penn is another one that comes to mind. I saw him on a TV show semi recently (~1-2 years ago) and he had put on considerable size (and ant his age fucking please).

I mean i wouldnt be surprised if 40 percent of Hollywood at one point or another has used.

On the whole other side of the coin, id say 70 percent of athletes have used some for of Anabolic Androgenic Steroids (AAS) and 95 percent of endurance athletes blood dope or low dose EPO.

And if carrot top is using synthol (which quite obviously he is) id be willing to bet my house there were some precursor/current drugs being used.
40% I think that's being conservative I bet it's over 50% in Men. Think about it the ladies are all getting plastic sergery to stay young and be able to keep on working. So it only makes sence that the men would juice a bit to stay fit look good and try to regain some of there youth so they can keep on working...No Frekin Doubt about it. Like I said earler, Everone Is On It!
SOO many actors/actresses/entertainment personalities use some form of hormone.

Agreed. Someone on the big screen or tv that looks impossibly ripped and big: fuckin gear. Especially if they have put on all the weight in between movies.

Like Will Smith, scrawny dude all his life. bulks up to >200 lbs for ALI. i know it took a long time, but i don't see how he could naturally bulk as much as he did. In Bad Boys II, he is a monster.

Or Tobey McGuire. You are telling me that little kid can get THAT cut up naturally. He dropped a bunch of lbs to play a HORSE JOCKEY, and then adds 20 lbs pure muscle for Spiderman 2. Uh ... no. As my old man would say, I was born at night, not last night.

And Ryan Gosling, you know, the guy from the "Notebook", not that i ever watched it. But i saw him in that movie with Anthony Hopkins where he is a lawyer ... and he's huge. He must have put on 40 lbs.

I could go on and on. Danny Bonaduce? Danny fuckin Bonaduce!?!?!?!?! Is he a 100 years old? Does he take his wheelchair to the gym?

And Carrot Top has been on everyone's "suspect" list for awhile i think. Good for him, but damn, doesn't he look even more strange all pumped? Looks like someone took his head from the 90s, gave it a drag makeover, and then put it on a mannequin.

Just like in sports, if its sounds to good to be true, it probably is.
Carrot top,....Man I say more power to him....Remember all gossip is good gossip in Hollywood. I know some of you are raggin' on him but man it took allot of effort to get to where he is....Do I think he looks "different" = yes! But, he is something to talk about and he is a comic so looking like a clown or "draggy" is perfect for him!
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Carrot top,....Man I say more power to him....Remember all gossip is good gossip in Hollywood. I know some of you are raggin' on him but man it took allot of effort to get to where he is....[B]Do I think he looks "different" = yes! But, he is something to talk about and he is a comic so looking like a clown or "draggy" is perfect for him!

You got A point..
SOO many actors/actresses/entertainment personalities use some form of hormone. Sean Penn is another one that comes to mind. I saw him on a TV show semi recently (~1-2 years ago) and he had put on considerable size (and ant his age fucking please).

I mean i wouldnt be surprised if 40 percent of Hollywood at one point or another has used.

On the whole other side of the coin, id say 70 percent of athletes have used some for of Anabolic Androgenic Steroids (AAS) and 95 percent of endurance athletes blood dope or low dose EPO.

And if carrot top is using synthol (which quite obviously he is) id be willing to bet my house there were some precursor/current drugs being used.

I saw sean penn on 2 and half men recently and his arms were quite big with veins blowin out all over the place. I said to my wife "that ngrs juicin, you dont get big like that at his age all of a sudden after being a runt your whole life." Whatever though, he looked pretty good.