CBman's test/tren bulk cycle.


New member
what's up guys doing a 8-10 week Test-p Tren-a cycle. Going to keep the bulk as clean as possible, keeping around 500 cals over my maintenance (3200). All whole foods... chicken,fish,steak,potatoes,oats,whole grains, lots of greens in there too. Of course the occasional cheat meal.

some stats
Don't know my body fat.
been training for 6+ years.

cycle stats
-test P 300mg/wk
-tren A 350mg/wk. (going to try to dose higher depending on sides)
-hcg 250iu 2x wk

-cialis 10mg pre workout
-creatine mono post workout

clomid 100/100/50/50
tamoxifen- 40/40/20/20
novolin R- 5iu pre & post w/o
GH- 5iu post w/o

Training will be one day on one day off DC training protocol with extreme stretches.
lets do it.
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Looks good. You should have great results after this one. Be sure to be taking NAC for liver values. Good luck
Currently in the beginning of second week. No sides yet... did notice that I'm waking up more in the middle of the night. Forgot to mention I'm also taking caber EOD and aromisin ED.

my training today

DC training B
-hamstring curls
-leg press

-raises (on leg press,negatives)

back width
-wide grip pull downs
- t bar rows

-barbell drag curls
-Dumbbell curls
Have noticed my appetite has gone up a alot. Woke up pretty sweaty this morning and could not fall back to sleep. I didn't think thease side would kick in this fast.

Diet and Training was great today.. I did a early morning crossfit workout and DC training this evening DC looked like this.

DC training D

-leg press
-hack squat machine

-calf raises

back width
-Front rack chins
-close grip lat pull downs

-barbell curls
-single preachers

EDIT: also picked up some NAC today.
nice bro you have a great start! you are going to blow up lean! you should add some mast p into the cycle. and as the weeks go on up your tren.

if it were me i would do test p .25 tren a 100 mast p .75 ed.. for you that would make you really blow up.
Sorry guys been a bit since my update everything is going great.. Not realy experiencing any more sides. Feel like I could handle a little more tren.

is 2.5 weeks enough for all sides to kick in??
Update here:

been feeling pretty good so I bumped my tren up too 500. Can Definately feel the sides kicking my ass now. Sleep is shit, appetite is crazy having some pretty bad carb cravings.

Defiantely gaining strength in all my lifts. Weighed 220 today, 5lb gain so far. Been doing some moderate cardio for a bulk so hopefully I can stay decently lean.
Update here:

Know its been a while! Been having that busy life here lately. Upped my tren dosage to 525/wk and lowered the Test to 300 and it seems to be going good. Think i found my sweet spot. Sleep has still been kinda crappy but i can manage for another 4 weeks.

diet looked like this today.

1 cup oats with honey
5 whole eggs
1 slice toast

7 oz chicken breast
cup white rice
cup spinage

7 oz chicken breast
cup white rice
cup spinage

45 G protien shake
1 bannana
cup oats

4 whole eggs
5 slices bacon
cup spinage

casien shake.
Keep up the good work. Ace/Prop is a wonderful combo.
I would change one meal of chicken to red meat, its better for growth.
dude you are wasting the full potential of your cycle with a diet like this
Update here:

Know its been a while! Been having that busy life here lately. Upped my tren dosage to 525/wk and lowered the Test to 300 and it seems to be going good. Think i found my sweet spot. Sleep has still been kinda crappy but i can manage for another 4 weeks.

diet looked like this today.

1 cup oats with honey
5 whole eggs
1 slice toast

7 oz chicken breast
cup white rice
cup spinage

7 oz chicken breast
cup white rice
cup spinage

45 G protien shake
1 bannana
cup oats

4 whole eggs
5 slices bacon
cup spinage

casien shake.