Check out my diet please!! Clen included.


New member
Height: 5 11"
Weight: 215lbs
Bf%: 18%
Arms: 17.25"

I taper up to about 120-140mcg and then I stay at that dose for 2 weeks. I take Benadryl at night. Then I stay off clen for 2 weeks then start again.

10:00am:Breakfast: protein shake 270 kcal. 50g protein 8g carb
1:30pm Lunch: 6 inch double meat oven roasted chicken breast on whole wheat. Light deli mustard with olives and jalapeños.
5:30pm Evening snack: same as lunch
7:00pm I work out at this time.
8:30pm Post work out shake. Same as breakfast

My workout consists of:
Empty stomach morning cardio. 30 mins. Light to moderate.

4 day working out.
Monday: Chest/tris
Tuesday: Back/bis
Wednesday: Shoulders/legs
Thursday: Rest
Friday: Bis/tri's

I sometimes end my workouts with 20-30 minutes of vigorous cardio. 2-3 days a week.

My goals are to get to 180-190 lbs. while maintaining as much muscle as possible.

I've used clen before I'm very familiar with it but I was curious if I were to add a AAS compound which would be best? Tren/mast/prop? Anavar (var)? Winstrol (winny)? I'm particular to Winstrol (winny) because of the simplicity and price. I know that Winstrol (winny) and clen work well together. And it would definitely help me keep my muscle while hardening it! And it would be my first time running Winstrol (winny) at all. Jut curious who's got some experience or input.
Height: 5 11"
Weight: 215lbs
Bf%: 18%
Arms: 17.25"

I taper up to about 120-140mcg and then I stay at that dose for 2 weeks. I take Benadryl at night. Then I stay off clen for 2 weeks then start again.

10:00am:Breakfast: protein shake 270 kcal. 50g protein 8g carb
1:30pm Lunch: 6 inch double meat oven roasted chicken breast on whole wheat. Light deli mustard with olives and jalapeños.
5:30pm Evening snack: same as lunch
7:00pm I work out at this time.
8:30pm Post work out shake. Same as breakfast

My workout consists of:
Empty stomach morning cardio. 30 mins. Light to moderate.

4 day working out.
Monday: Chest/tris
Tuesday: Back/bis
Wednesday: Shoulders/legs
Thursday: Rest
Friday: Bis/tri's

I sometimes end my workouts with 20-30 minutes of vigorous cardio. 2-3 days a week.

My goals are to get to 180-190 lbs. while maintaining as much muscle as possible.

I've used clen before I'm very familiar with it but I was curious if I were to add a AAS compound which would be best? Tren/mast/prop? Anavar (var)? Winstrol (winny)? I'm particular to Winstrol (winny) because of the simplicity and price. I know that Winstrol (winny) and clen work well together. And it would definitely help me keep my muscle while hardening it! And it would be my first time running Winstrol (winny) at all. Jut curious who's got some experience or input.

What is the total amount of Calories/Proteins/Fats/Carbs are you intaking daily?

In my opinion, I do not believe you are eating enough... I am not on any type of cutting cycles but I will say that you do not seem to be eating properly to produce proper results.

I am 31yrs old, 5'8" not petite/small framed what's so ever, I can hold my weight pretty well. Ppl are shocked when I tell them so much I actually weigh. Sept 235Lbs and currently 198lbs...

Meal 1 6:30am- Protein shake (24 grams of protein, 2 grams of carbs,1 gram of sugar) and a slice of Whole wheat bread with 3 egg whites .
Meal 2 9:30am- 3 egg whites, oatmeal 1 cup
Meal 3 12:30pm- 4 oz chicken and 3 oz. steamed brocolli
Meal 4 3:30pm- 6 oz.Tuna , Fuji Apple, whole wheat bread
Meal 5-6:30pm-Protein Shake - WORKOUT - training session til 8pm
Meal 6-8:30pm 4 oz. Chicken 2 cups steamed spinach
Meal 7-10:30pm Protein Shake

120 oz of water

I weight train every day, run 3-6 miles every other day. Just by eating clean 6-7 meals a day (daily calorie intake 1700-2000 calories and by carb cycling, exercising daily Since Sept. 13th to Today I have continuously have dropped an average of 10lbs a month, almost 6% body fat, and inches all over. If you fuel your body properly, you will produce the results you want. Just my honest opinion of course...
Because of convenience. I actually eat a 5th time. A bit after workout. I only eat protein and fat though no carbs for that 5th meal.

Should I add some casein before but or will that store access fat?
Because of convenience. I actually eat a 5th time. A bit after workout. I only eat protein and fat though no carbs for that 5th meal.

Should I add some casein before but or will that store access fat?

Hmm... That I don't know. I don't eat any carbs after 6pm also... I stick wth Just protein and good fats.

How long have you been cutting for?

I consume almost the same amount of Proteins, carbs, and fats as you... Except I run quite a bit and increase carbs by 100 more grams on run days mainly from fruits & veggies though and fat grams doesn't go over 44 in a day
Day 4? LOL... Why aren't you eating every 3 hours to stimulate your metabolism?

What time are you taking the clen?
I've taken 3 pictures. I'm going by how I look. Measurements make me feel anxious and measuring myself and shit can demotivate me.
I just wanted some input on my diet so I know I'm not doing anything wrong!
Do measurements - track your Inches and pics each month around the same time... This is honestly the best way to track your results... It takes hard work, dedication, proper nutrition and eating at least 6-7 meals a day every 2.5-3 hrs to keep your metabolism working properly.
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I'm taking the clen when I wake up. It's a convenience thing- with the job I work.
The first impact the clen has, is passed by the time I lift in the late evenings. The days I do AM cardio I take the clen after.
Yeah, definitely need to figure out a way to eat more often if you want better results. My job was the same way but I did it anyway. Eventually my patients and VP of Operations got used to me eating all the time... walking around the clinic with a bowl of brown rice and chicken!
For one if your dropping weight you're not eating enough and what byou are eating is not good quality.breakfast should have more carbs becasue your body has been fasting while you sleep.Don't rely on shakes so much maybe one after training and one before bed.the bread in the subs back to back is bad deal.cut out bread milk,cheese.yogurt etc.double turkey sue but then brown rice or plain baked potato or sweet potato. legs by them self if your going to train arms twice do shoulders and arms,train ing should be chest/bi's, back/tri's, cardio/abs, legs,shoulders/arms,cardio/abs, cardio.doing cardio after a workout will be your have a 1 hour window after training to get food into the body and it will suck it up like a sponge.if you do cardio after training your going to lose that window to extra growth.add an extra meal .

Thanks for the responses guys!! Ok so this is what I've doing for a few days now

10:00am- Greek yogurt and 2 microwaved full eggs
1:00pm- banana and 2 spoonfull of natty pb
3:30pm- sandwich, 43g carbs, 48g protein, 8g fat
6:30pm- ham and cheese cubes
9:00pm- post workout shake 25g protein, 4g carb
10:30- small dinner- no carbs. Only fats and proteins. Try to get 50g of protein here
12:00+ I snack on cheese sometimes :-)

How's that look now?? Better??
Yea, try 4 egg whites 2 full
Then two cups of oatmeal with fresh cut up strawberries
And Green tea with a banna. Thats my first meal n i feel great.
Thanks for the responses guys!! Ok so this is what I've doing for a few days now

10:00am- Greek yogurt and 2 microwaved full eggs
1:00pm- banana and 2 spoonfull of natty pb
3:30pm- sandwich, 43g carbs, 48g protein, 8g fat
6:30pm- ham and cheese cubes
9:00pm- post workout shake 25g protein, 4g carb
10:30- small dinner- no carbs. Only fats and proteins. Try to get 50g of protein here
12:00+ I snack on cheese sometimes :-)

How's that look now?? Better??

I Still think you need to incorporate good carbs first thing in the Morning. The Greek Yogurt has some carbs (like 9 grams per 8 oz.) but you should also be having a serving or 2 of Oats. IMO- Oats is better than the Greek yogurt first thing in the morning, it will give you about 26 grams of carbs per serving and have more than 2 eggs. I would honestly do about 4-6 egg whites ( they are around 4 grams protein per egg white). You want to have a good breaksfast to jumpstart your metabolism.

You are eating a lot of Dairy... Where are your veggies and fruits? (These are Good Carbs and natural sugars that your body will need for energy).

What types of Proteins does your diet consist of? Please be more specific.
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Ok I ate a cup of oats with a bit of raspberries and 4 eggs for breakfast today. I can get used to that, not bad at all :-)

I'm down to 210 at the moment, I feel good but I can't wait to feel even better.

I have 3 vials of prop I'm going to use once I get down to 195-200. I'm going to continue to use the clen on the prop. It's going to be my first time using prop, I've only done cyp in the past 500mg/wk with fantastic results. Should I eat a tad bit more? Can I have some advice on where to Taylor the diet for when starting prop

I have before pictures already, I'll post some after pics in like 10 weeks.