Would doing morning cardio every day hurt my muscle mass too much?? Just curious! Please respond!!
My morning cardio consists of briskly walking. My HR sits around 120-140
Would doing morning cardio every day hurt my muscle mass too much?? Just curious! Please respond!!
My morning cardio consists of briskly walking. My HR sits around 120-140
I normally do it 30 mins but I wanna bump it up to 45-60.
My RHR (from the clen) is about 125-130 from 10:00am until about 6:00pm is declines to about 90-100.
I just want to boost my fat loss as much as I can, without going too catabolic!
This is a good web site to measure what you're eating, Ie. carbs, protein, fats. This is what a lot of the people here use. Also don't rely on shakes and pills for your protein, food/diet is first, supplements are second. Good luck bro.
I love how I feel! Thanks for all the advice guys!
I feel like the clen is mildly anabolic! I'm getting bigger and stronger while still eating only 2200 kcal a day! It could be the diet but damn I can't wait to get to 195 and start the test prop and continue this!
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