chest pic


New member
what do you guys think all natural no prohormones either and no i am not against any1 doin steroids just have fun tell you if i ever do it then watch out cause i survived naturally grew naturally have learnt things in years and if i do roids i will kick some major arse take care
btw this pic is 2 yr old did get bigger chest is now 47 biceps 16.6 cold wrists 14 i want a 50 inch chest and 18 inch arms all natural no prohomes or if i ever decide i will do straight roids no prohormones for me. i wish push my natural limit as far as i can oh i weigh 215 and 6.1 body fat not much but maybe between 12 to 15 only concentrating on size for now i want 240 natural and i think i can do it. also i find it interesting how my nipples dont hang in a v shape like most on steroids they are up and theres room below my nipple thats for any1 who wanted to see what nature intended on making it look like anyways again i still debate on steroids only problem i dont wanna shrink my balls and decrease my libido i would like to know is the libido temp and does the dick go softer on steroids and how is it after you stop does everything return completely to normal. let me know always been curious again have fun a nd do what u feel like cause i dont give a damn with gods good grace i will reach the top with the good guys naturally
Pretty hard to tell anything about you to critique....... we need some other shots brother.

Welcome to 'ology....
post more than your chest... post a shot of your legs... you can tell more about a person by their legs than by their chest or arms....
If you actually knew how to write a sentence and use punctuation then maybe we'd actually be able to read it and understand what the hell you're trying to say.
cant see much but from what little i can see, its decent..
naam89 said:
i still debate on steroids only problem i dont wanna shrink my balls and decrease my libido i would like to know is the libido temp and does the dick go softer on steroids and how is it after you stop does everything return completely to normal. let me know always been curious again have fun a nd do what u feel like cause i dont give a damn with gods good grace i will reach the top with the good guys naturally

Well if you really screw up I guess all that bad could befall you. If that's all you know about gear I guess maybe it would be wise to stay away from it. But if you educate yourself a little, you will soon see with any common sense none of that is likey to occur.
vennom thanks for the tip here,s mine learn how to spell venom is spelt with 1 n, its venom u xxxx, I am a very special (retarded) person, since others didnt have any probs with what i wrote, plus i come here to relax and not to write a paper, chill.
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mesomorph i agree i dont know much about roids which is why i havent fuct with it yet, some idiots starting taking this shit without knowing a damn thing and fuck themselves sideways, i had to tell a buddy of mine to take milk thistle since he was doin all oral cycle with Winstrol (winny) and dbol, my knowledge is the same as any other guy you reads from the net, if u know more then prove it, i dont need to know what to take and how to take you could get all that info from anabolic review i have it. Plus what do you mean 300% natural some idiots use prohormones and they claim natural are u one of the idiots also lets see what you look like.
correction i meant big guys not good guys taking steroids dont make you bad in my view sometimes i feel like a muscle head i dont think straight what is up with lifting weights and becoming a muscle head any connection? anybody? i am not ashamed when i get called musclehead just the same way i dont care if the next guy is bigger than me...... its all good gear...all natty! You do good in staying away from roids...from the pic, looks like you've got natural propensity for gyno - those are man-boobs!!! :goof:

On a more serious note, adding bulk is good if that's the look you're going for...but from the pic it's hard to tell what's under the bf.


naam89 said:
what do you guys think all natural no prohormones either and no i am not against any1 doin steroids just have fun tell you if i ever do it then watch out cause i survived naturally grew naturally have learnt things in years and if i do roids i will kick some major arse take care
arod what r u talkin abt man boobs what is ur def for gyno bro, every gyno i have seen starts underneath the nipples my nipple have no inflamation or fat deposit its just skin dont know what u bro i thought gyno was sagging nipples?
stone nicely changing my statements great job you show a lot of integrity in what u do a real proffessional i say altering my sentence keep it up buddy hope we dont put people like u in our government god knows what will be altered under your watch we already have trouble with one
naam89 said:
stone nicely changing my statements great job you show a lot of integrity in what u do a real proffessional i say altering my sentence keep it up buddy hope we dont put people like u in our government god knows what will be altered under your watch we already have trouble with one

Just trying to keep from having to ban you. I trust your read the PM I sent you explaining why I edited your post?