cialis or viagra?

I do best w/ it if I avoid caffeine that day after, but that sucks, I'm a coffee/tea man. Even that doesn't take it away entirely, and it's usually worst for me the next day after Cialis.
I've even considered getting some Nexium, but haven't yet. I hate to add another drug. We'll see, maybe occassional use wouldn't be too bad. I worry about all those acid decreasing stomach meds fucking up my protein digestion.
LS-- I'm with ya bro. Well worth it and I really like the increased basket size for a few days. Don't get that on V.

lt, the only real drawback i can find with it is it last to long, ya you are good 24 hrs, but straight, i mean it gets kind of boring no matter who you are with, the concentration thing is really true, its crazy, but i love it, drug of choice for me