Clen 3 weeks in


New member
Need some suggestions started 244 now 235 I want to slim my waist line and lean all the way up. bf about 17%
suggestions please Thanks
17% seems accurate, maybe as high as 20 but not more than that

another 15 lbs and I bet you'll get a decent view of the abs keep it up bigman
rookie03 said:
whats your diet look like?
My diet is not real strict I have had many people say many different things but I need accurate info. on a diet plan with every day food what to eat more of/ less of and things like that. Cardio is 30 min. everyday on the eliptical. please advise thanks
just eat egg whites, chicken breast, brown rice, cut the carbs past 6 or 7... youll benefit more from a nice strict diet than the clen...
rookie03 said:
just eat egg whites, chicken breast, brown rice, cut the carbs past 6 or 7... youll benefit more from a nice strict diet than the clen...

when you say just eat egg whites...

is it from the cooked or boiled ones?
arada said:
when you say just eat egg whites...

is it from the cooked or boiled ones?

Seperate the white from the rest of the egg uncooked. Then eat it however the hell you want unless you really want to boil the egg and just eat the white. Sounds like too much work to me.

You could probably just order the whites from egg whites international.
you dont have to seperate the white from the yolk, not when you can buy egg whites in a jug. And they do carry them at a grocery store, you dont have to order them online unless you prefer which sounds stupid as fuck to me.
are you just taking clen? If you really wanna spead it up and not worried about a little mass loss add some t3. Now if you juice and do clen and t3 you shouldn't lose muscle.
Just some options.
Also are you taking L-taurine with the clen?
no im not taking t3 or l-taurine i want to start with my dbol cycle i was thinking just doing Winstrol (winny) and dbol what you think
two 17aa's at once. Remember injected Winstrol (winny) still taxes the liver. But if your gonna juice for the purpose of dieting then definately add some t3. The L-taurine is supposed to help with cramps while on clen and not sure if it helps protect the heart a bit (look into that one). for dieting stick with the Winstrol (winny). D-bol is better for a bulking cycle (you'll get plenty of differing opions on this idea thou).
well what do ya'll think i should do just to get shredded and lean as hell in about 2 to 3 months from now? I'm working out now and about to start back on the clen monday so let me know whats. taking any ideas
Take the Winstrol (winny) to preserve mass if your gonna try to really drop weight fast. Maybe 50mg per day. Get your clomid (or Nolva, just read that artical on here) ready for PCT.
fat turtle said:
Take the Winstrol (winny) to preserve mass if your gonna try to really drop weight fast. Maybe 50mg per day. Get your clomid (or Nolva, just read that artical on here) ready for PCT.
If you're going to suggest an Anabolic Androgenic Steroids (AAS) without test, I would suggest Var at a similar dosage. ALOT less havoc on the joints, etc...