Clen, T3, Winny & Test 400


New member
Cycle as follows:
Weeks 1-12 Test 400 @ 600mg/wk
Weeks 7-12 Winstrol (winny) @ 25mg/ED
Weeks 7-12 Clen (ramp f/60mcg to 160ED)
Weeks 7-9 50mg T3
Will take Benadryl ED Week 3 & 6.
Nova if Gyno otherwise as follows:
Weeks 14&15- Nova @40mg/ED
Weeks 16-17- Navo @20mg/ED

Looking for good lean mass. Dont want too much weight gain. Diet is good.
30 Years old, 6'2" Tall, 225lbs, 16% BF, 3rd Cycle.

Any thoughts or comments?
Hey I think you should be running the Clen starting Week 1&2 and off 3&4 on 5&6 off 7&8...etc until cycle ends but I am sure some one will come on here and critique alot better then I can. post cycle therapy (pct) looks goood. what about your Diet and Cardio regimen looking like?
If you have a good diet and good cardio you will be a beast man. You would think that will all the stuff that he is taking it wouldnt make a difference. But trust me it does
I agree with ballowski either run clen 2wks on/2wks off or 2days on/2days off, I prefer the latter of the two.

Also I would up the dose of winstrol to 50mg/ed. I found injections are much more effective again at 50mg but if your running orals again id go with 50mg/ed
Thanks all. I will def look into some HCG. Will also ramp up to 50mg ED with winn. As far as clen 2 days on 2 days off? What kind of dose? Have run it before but for 6 weeks with good results but.. i am pretty open to anything that will better myself.
I would drop the Winstrol (winny) bro, wont really notice much if anything at your current bf% other than achy joints.