I have used both meds post cycle on their own. The clomid was after a heavy test/deca/winny cycle, and the nolva was after a short 6 week cycle of suspension,deca, and Winstrol (winny). Its really hard to say which one worked the best one its own. I mean w/o bloodwork its nearly impossible. I would say that just by the way I felt, I recovered faster with the clomid. (again hard to say b/c all things were not equal)
I have only used nolva post cycle once on its own. I have used clomid post cycle many times.
First thing I want to say is there were not that many differences to which I could tell. I still got acne on the nolva. No mood swings, but depression was......as usually for me post cycle. Nolva does not fuck with my eyes, which clomid seems to do.
The last couple of cycles I ran were fairly long in length, and I didn't use hcg(never do). I decided to run nolva at 20mg per day for the entire 3 weeks, and clomid at the standard 300,100,50. I felt great after the last week on nolva and clomid, even more so than I usually do. Thats when I decided to use it EVERYTIME, and will so from now on. Some things just cant be explained easily. Over the years I have learned to know my body to a 'T'. I'm not saying that this will work for everyone, but I plan to finish every other cycle I do this way.