1. Yes, Clomid is still used universally as a fertility drug, and also as a "test" of HP functioning (even though the results will in no way change the treatment protocol!). And certainly little has been said about the two studies I mention here within the bodybuilding community. Perhaps this issue is overshadowed because we are fighting so hard for some common sense in other areas, i.e. NOT using Arimidex post cycle, that Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) is extremely beneficial and safe when used properly (that there are those who still oppose Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) even in this rare case where we enjoy an absolute wealth of knowedge from medical studies which prove same), getting guys to NOT use more Anabolic Androgenic Steroids (AAS) than they need, etc.
Truly it would be a very rare case for Clomid to present such catastrophic side effects. Otherwise, with all the Clomid being consumed each day by BB'ers all over the world, we would have had a bunch of guys fall out from it. Still, with such an excellent alternative available in Nolvadex, I would simply rather prescribe the latter (when the patient will let me).
2. There's a lot of truth in what you say, to be sure. However, we must recognize that the practices you mention, and many others as well (i.e. I love a couple really good cigars each week, and my penchant for fine scotch and great beer--especially the kind I brew myself--is well known amongst my friends), are basically "lifestyle decisions" and if we enjoy them enough while accepting the risks, that is probably the best we can shoot for. I am dedicated to minimizing the health risks of Anabolic Androgenic Steroids (AAS) use, where possible.