Clomid and vision

I wouldn't freak out, just back off the dosage if needed. I'm sure your PCT will be over soon enough. I made the mistake of using nolva on cycle to control sides, next time I will try extremestane.
k, After that read ozz posted.. I've learned some serious shit about PCT.. there seems to be ALOT more involved, more than the cycle itself. My next cycle is going to be expensive lol But I want to do it right. what are yalls normal PCT protocol? is Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) really that necessary?
Maybe I'm a hypochondriac, but if I were experiencing vision problems I would discontinue...not lower dosage, wait and see, etc.

Cyclofenil would be another option instead of clomid next time. Most people don't use it as its not as readily available as the other post cycle therapy (pct) drugs.
My next cycle is going to be expensive lol But I want to do it right. what are yalls normal post cycle therapy (pct) protocol? is Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) really that necessary?

Why is your next cycle going to be so expensive?? If done right, you can make enormous gains at very reasonable prices. What do you plan on using??

On-Cylcle Protocol:
250iu's Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) E3D
AIFM or Aromasin ED (2-3 pumps or 12.5-25mg, respectively)

post cycle therapy (pct) (4 weeks):
50mg Clomid ED
20mg Nolva ED

I'm going to be trying out the Primordial Performance post cycle therapy (pct) at the end of the cycle I'm running currently. I hope that it makes me recover that much more completely. I'll keep you posted.
Why is your next cycle going to be so expensive?? If done right, you can make enormous gains at very reasonable prices. What do you plan on using??

On-Cylcle Protocol:
250iu's Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) E3D
AIFM or Aromasin ED (2-3 pumps or 12.5-25mg, respectively)

PCT (4 weeks):
50mg Clomid ED
20mg Nolva ED

I'm going to be trying out the Primordial Performance PCT at the end of the cycle I'm running currently. I hope that it makes me recover that much more completely. I'll keep you posted.


15 week cycle
1-15 540mg Sust EW (2 shots)
1-15 500mg Deca EW (2 shots estimates to about 440mg)
16-18 test prop EOD

19-completion PCT clomid/nolva
Primordial Performance has $30 off of the PCT stack: Right now you can save $30 on the Testosterone Recovery Stack with the coupon code MAXRECOVERY!
Everyone responds different. My post cycle therapy (pct) is like this:
weeks 1-3 25mg aromasin
Day one 150mg clomid
Day one 40mg nolva
Week 1 100mg clomid then 50mg for next 3 weeks
weeks 1-4 20mg nolva

Id say stay at ur 50mg dose and try taking ur dose before bed ed. This is very common to avoid side effects. Ive never had sides from arimidex, nolva before. First time using aromasin and clomid right now. I always take all my post cycle therapy (pct) meds about 45min before bed. I say this especially because u say the sides hit after ingestion for x amount of hours but the rest of the time ur good. This makes even more sense for u to take ur meds before bed, sleep through the sides bro.
If that doesnt work then i guess clomid isnt for u. Not sure what ur post cycle therapy (pct) is but if worse comes to worse drop ur dose to 25mg clomid and try to get some nolva and or aromasin to finish off ur post cycle therapy (pct). Just my opinion but i think it will help.