Clomid or HCG


New member
I took HCG in the past can't get my hands on it right now. My boys are in very bad shape. Will Clomid do the samething? Which is better? Thanks in advance.
Cheff said:
I took HCG in the past can't get my hands on it right now. My boys are in very bad shape. Will Clomid do the samething? Which is better? Thanks in advance.
HCG and clomid are like apples and oranges.Two totally different substances.What do you mean there in bad shape?Took a cycle with no post cycle therapy (pct) and are very depressed and cant get there little stick up in the air?
Cheff said:
Yes and I had a feeling they were like apples and oranges so just do the HCG then?
No hcg will shut you down harder.Do a standard pct..I would pick up nolva if i were you and run it 40/40/20/20.Just click on nolva and it will bring you to the store.You can buy it there.
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WHAT last time I took HCG it worked great your saying it will shut you down harder I'm by no means no expert but are you sure?
How long ago did you end your cycle? The optimum HCG cycle is ran during your cycle, but there are many people who run immediately after, at a higher dosage in order to bring your boys back up to size.

You should run standard Nolva as posted above.
Cheff said:
WHAT last time I took HCG it worked great your saying it will shut you down harder I'm by no means no expert but are you sure?

IMO it will not shut you down, it will do the opposite.
oh, clomid dosage should be weeks 1-2 - 100mg ed, weeks 2-4 - 50mg can continue Nolva/Clomid until your sex drive returns to normal.
I stopped things about 6 years ago and got shut down BAD took HCG brought it back to normal. I only did Test 250 twice I never ended the cycle but will now I'm shut down hard again. Last one was friday just want to bring the boys back up.

I'm not aromatizing so why take Nolva? I don't mean to sound dumb. But why do you suggest the Novla?

Any help is appreacited so you suggest the HCG ASAP and Novla? Just want to get the system back to normal.
Holy balls! (pun intended) your HPTA must be pretty dang sensitive. I would get both clomid and nolva and take 50mg clomid ED and 20mg nolva ED until you feel back to "normal." If you can only get one, get nolva.
Cheff said:
I would agree with you there Doc. So take the clomid and Nova for how long you think?
That's tough to say...judging by what you've said in this thread I'd run it a solid 6 weeks. Then re-evaluate how you're doing. You may want to get a blood test done if things are still not up to par at the end of the 6 weeks.
Yes you could run the clomid for 4 weeks and the nolva for 6 without any decreased effectiveness.
Totally apperciate the advice so then skip the HCG. Run Clomid for 4 weeks start the Nova at the same time? 50mg clomid and 20mg Nova?
Cheff said:
Totally apperciate the advice so then skip the HCG. Run Clomid for 4 weeks start the Nova at the same time? 50mg clomid and 20mg Nova?
How long since you took the Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG)? Usually, it's best to take HCG 250-500iu 2x/week DURING cycling but if I were you and had access to everything, this is exactly what I'd do:
Clomid 50mg ED Week 1-4
Nolvadex 20mg ED Week 1-6
HCG 1500iu E3D Days 1-15
I have not taken HCG maybe in 5 years but I crashed hard this time off just two 250mg test.......Thanks I appreciate the advise having access to everything is another issue.
take hcg and clomid for a week or two and then do 4-6 weeks on just clomid. adding some noladex and aromasin wouldn't hurt.

hcg dosing. don't run over250iu ED