Clomid Question


New member
Hi guys,

Had a test for free testosterone done, and is pretty low ... they asked if i had been using any testosterone products and done a few other tests ..

they did a sperm count and that was also low ..

i finished a short cycle of test like 20 weeks ago i did post cycle therapy (pct) and i had no gyno probs ..

now i need to know if i were to just run clomid by itself ... if that could bring my testosterone levels up..

If you want to go that route you can use Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG), clomid and nolvadex to restore your hpta function to normal.

THerea re different ways to do this. I'd use nolvadex at 20mg for 6 weeks. clomid at 50mg for 3 weeks and Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) at 150iu for 1-2 weeks.