coming off a 11 month cycle and i need help


New member
I have been using 250mg sustan amps injection twice a week and was using tren enathate then switched to deconate 200mg injection twice a week. i stoped using the deconate 2 weeks ago i am and my last injection of the sustan amps was 6 days ago.i also take noveldex every day and im still taking it. im coming off the cycle i have been on this cycle for 11 months when will i start feeling like crap and when should i start my hgc injection and how long do i continue the hgc injection? i purchased hcgenerate when should i start taking it ? i also purchased finaflex revolution test stack witch contains a bottle of finaflex (pure test) and a bottle of (Revolution Pct) that says its a complete post cycle therapy. when and if i should start taking the finaflex revolution test stack? i really need help thank you
Unless you want to be a bodybuilder then ya, go for year long cycles. Otherwise leave it to the pros. Upload some pics. I'm curious to see if it was worth the before and after of this 11 month long cycle.
i fucked up and listened to the guy i was buying from he was trying to get me stuck on it . im so pissed off i just want to have recover from this and i will leave it alone for good im scared
i fucked up and listened to the guy i was buying from he was trying to get me stuck on it . im so pissed off i just want to have recover from this and i will leave it alone for good im scared

Not bashing on u, but coming to this site only crossed ur mind after 11 months when u finished your cycle?
Yes man , you fucked up, still I'm wishing u a good recovery and good health.
its been two weeks since pinned sustan amp and tren for 11 months im starting my hcg today 250iu daily for 2weeks im still on the nolvadex 40 mg daily i will continue that for 2 weeks after my my last hcg pin 40/30/20/20. i have a test stack made from finaflex revolution a bottle of pre test witch contains 500mg of D Aspartcic acid (DAA) and second bottle of revolution pct . when and should i use this along in my pct? i also have a bottle of HCGenerate should i use this product instead along with Pct?
its been two weeks since pinned sustan amp and tren for 11 months im starting my hcg today 250iu daily for 2weeks im still on the nolvadex 40 mg daily i will continue that for 2 weeks after my my last hcg pin 40/30/20/20. i have a test stack made from finaflex revolution a bottle of pre test witch contains 500mg of D Aspartcic acid (DAA) and second bottle of revolution pct . when and should i use this along in my pct? i also have a bottle of HCGenerate should i use this product instead along with Pct?

Dude you got this all wrong. First of all. Fuck all the natural over the counter shit, it any gonna do nothin for ya. Second HCG just helps your nuts come back, still surpresses the pituitary. 3rd just nolva is not gonna cut it after this, and holy shit Tren for 11 months? Your poor kidneys and liver. Can I say TUDCA. Use that at least if ur gonna use something natural. I say Triptorelin is in order here.

I would say wait till all ester clears. 1000mcg of HCG Monday wednesday Friday 2 weeks. Then Shoot 100mcg of Triptorelin. Then do Clomid and Nolva. 50mg of clomid 20mg of nolva for 5 weeks. Then get a blood test. See how that goes. Theres also a couple of other ways 2. Like Doctor Skullys Protocall. ETC... IMT has a recovery protocall also.
well man.. sounds like ur guy really shafted u.. i stay on year round bcz.i co.pete and already have two kids.. but as far as u.. i would have started blasting.with hcg during.cycle.. try hcg.. and nolva "only if the tren cleared ur.system" but start the clomid a.s.a.p id run prami too.. to.prevent a tren rebound of gyno so.u dont lactaid.. take that at night.time.. it.will.put.u sleep.. and will also raise gh levels while sleeping