Coming off tren ace and first time using masteron


New member
Just had to come off tren ace felt like crap terrible endurance, breathing issues and insomnia. Nothing like having to fap 5 times daily just to breath correctly fuck that. I was on it for a good 15 to 20 weeks but I had enough. Been using mast prop for a good 2 or 3 weeks now 100mg ed and wow strength and veins are getting ridiculous just got a new quad vein today loving this stuff. Also been getting compliments every time I go out. Got some halo on the way cant wait to try that out.
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Just had to come off tren ace felt like crap terrible endurance, breathing issues and insomnia. Nothing like having to fap 5 times daily just to breath correctly fuck that. I was on it for a good 15 to 20 weeks but I had enough. Been using mast prop for a good 2 or 3 weeks now 100mg ed and wow strength and veins are getting ridiculous just got a new quad vein today loving this stuff. Also been getting compliments every time I go out. Got some halo on the way cant wait to try that out.

how much you used tren A? I used 100mg eod just came off after 6 weeks no big difference yes endurance was little bit lower but with GW50516 it was better, funny thing is yesterday 8 days after last pin was BP day I was thinking this day will be shit cause I was off tren 8 days... but OH my god that day yesterday was epic I did 9 total reps more as previous workout @ 95KG 10 reps set 10 sets 2min rest that's a lot. from 79-88 total
I have to admit I also used IGF1-LR3 but I also stopped it 8 days before because of traveling. Cant believe it :D
I decided stop tren A and see what will happen in next weeks I will continue with IGF1-LR3 and mast prop mast prop will up dose from 150mg eod to 170mg eod
FAP ?????
Fn Aspirate Persistently ?

Tren plus 70% humidity is killin me too. Come w da territory...
Never done Mast for REAL...u like it huh ?
Just had to come off tren ace felt like crap terrible endurance, breathing issues and insomnia. Nothing like having to fap 5 times daily just to breath correctly fuck that. I was on it for a good 15 to 20 weeks but I had enough. Been using mast prop for a good 2 or 3 weeks now 100mg ed and wow strength and veins are getting ridiculous just got a new quad vein today loving this stuff. Also been getting compliments every time I go out. Got some halo on the way cant wait to try that out.

how much where you using?
I never did mast either. Tren yes. Tren 700mg a week .
I read mast is like trens little cousin.
So you say you are doing better with Mast over tren?
What dose tren were you running ? And you staying with 700mg wkk of mast?
How bout the rest of your cycle? How much test? Any orals?
I never did mast either. Tren yes. Tren 700mg a week .
I read mast is like trens little cousin.
So you say you are doing better with Mast over tren?
What dose tren were you running ? And you staying with 700mg wkk of mast?
How bout the rest of your cycle? How much test? Any orals?

well they're incredibly different compounds, used for different reasons, so you're look at it the wrong way.

tren is incredibly anabolic and androgenic. You can gain muscle even in a caloric deficit. Masteron is used as a cutting agent due to its high androgenic score, but low anabolism. Also as a DHT, usually seen as a compliment to any 19-nor. Moreover, like primo or winny, you use it when you want a more veiny/granular look.
well they're incredibly different compounds, used for different reasons, so you're look at it the wrong way.

tren is incredibly anabolic and androgenic. You can gain muscle even in a caloric deficit. Masteron is used as a cutting agent due to its high androgenic score, but low anabolism. Also as a DHT, usually seen as a compliment to any 19-nor. Moreover, like primo or winny, you use it when you want a more veiny/granular look.

Plus mast is a lot easier on your system...more so than tren Anyways. I haven't tried this stack but hear mast and tren go real good together...a synergistic quality when ran together.
how much you used tren A? I used 100mg eod just came off after 6 weeks no big difference yes endurance was little bit lower but with GW50516 it was better, funny thing is yesterday 8 days after last pin was BP day I was thinking this day will be shit cause I was off tren 8 days... but OH my god that day yesterday was epic I did 9 total reps more as previous workout @ 95KG 10 reps set 10 sets 2min rest that's a lot. from 79-88 total
I have to admit I also used IGF1-LR3 but I also stopped it 8 days before because of traveling. Cant believe it :D
I decided stop tren A and see what will happen in next weeks I will continue with IGF1-LR3 and mast prop mast prop will up dose from 150mg eod to 170mg eod
I started with 50mg test p 50 mg tren ace eod then increased it to both at 100mg ed endurance got worse I actually felt like it was killing my strength. I'm sure halo will fix that.
High dose Masteron > tren in my opinion tren ace is harsh too on my mind as well as my body. I would never use it before a meet. Endurance was a big issue, felt like I couldn't do as many reps, I still got stronger on it but I felt like crap if that makes any sense. I will be using it again but only at high doses when I blast. I run it with test prop but I'm just cruising on test e 250mg every week and I will be adding in halo soon to get my endurance back up.
I ran 100mg ed of each test, tren, mast prop all together and didnt like it at all I still felt like crap it was the tren ace kicking my ass.
I ran 100mg ed of each test, tren, mast prop all together and didnt like it at all I still felt like crap it was the tren ace kicking my ass.

U should try a lower dose of tren next time like 50mg/day. Less is more in this case. No need for 100 mg/day as u found out. Maybe down the road as tolerance builds....
U should try a lower dose of tren next time like 50mg/day. Less is more in this case. No need for 100 mg/day as u found out. Maybe down the road as tolerance builds....
Been there done that uping the dose helped endurance a little bit more but no matter what tren is still going to hurt you at any dose. All I had was 3 vials of test p tren ace mixed together so I couldn't run one higher than the other but I will buy them separately next time so I can run the test higher.
Been there done that uping the dose helped endurance a little bit more but no matter what tren is still going to hurt you at any dose. All I had was 3 vials of test p tren ace mixed together so I couldn't run one higher than the other but I will buy them separately next time so I can run the test higher.

with tren upping the dose will make your cardiovascular capacity WORSE.
High dose Masteron > tren in my opinion tren ace is harsh too on my mind as well as my body. I would never use it before a meet. Endurance was a big issue, felt like I couldn't do as many reps, I still got stronger on it but I felt like crap if that makes any sense. I will be using it again but only at high doses when I blast. I run it with test prop but I'm just cruising on test e 250mg every week and I will be adding in halo soon to get my endurance back up.

again, very different. even pinning 1-1.5g of mast you won't get anything like 300mg of tren's anabolism. tren is great, if you can handle the sides. If not, and not competing, better get good with primo, deca, var
I thought about adding in some deca for my cruise but I'm worried about getting deca dick as I was only planning on running 250mg test per week