Complete newbie, please help on starting out.


New member
I have been on this forum since 2007 and have advised people with AAS use, but my knowledge on making AAS is zero! I am on Test E and will be for the rest of my life due to very low natural Test levels that the Dr will not help me with due to being in the UK and having the NHS so I depend on UGL's. So I thought about making Test E myself as I can get the raw material. What do I need to start as in equipment and then what do I need to do?

Any advise would be great.
I have been on this forum since 2007 and have advised people with AAS use, but my knowledge on making AAS is zero! I am on Test E and will be for the rest of my life due to very low natural Test levels that the Dr will not help me with due to being in the UK and having the NHS so I depend on UGL's. So I thought about making Test E myself as I can get the raw material. What do I need to start as in equipment and then what do I need to do?

Any advise would be great.

Hey Paul

It's surprisingly simple to brew your own. All you need are the following:

1. Equipment list
2. Recipe

First, because there isn't a tutorial thread on equipment, let's start with this first. I'll make a list of what I have seen posted by other members, listing the minimum requirements as well as optional equipments:

Filtration systems

- Coffee filters (disposable paper)
Not required but are recommended as pre-filters to remove large contaminants before using the relatively more expensive micron filters.

- Syringe filters (size: 0.2 micron and 0.4 micron)

- Syringe (size: 20ml or larger)
The larger syringes are easier when trying to force the oil through the filter

OPTIONAL attachment: Caulk gun for syringe (to make it easier to squeeze)

OPTIONAL filtration system (if affordable)

- Nalgene MF75 Bottle Top Filter - 250ml ***8211; 0.22 pore size, 50mm neck

- Hand vacum pump with pressure gauge unit

- clear rubber hose (for the pump)

Mixing Equipments

- Funnel

- Glass beaker- 250ml

- Graduated Cylinder (10ml or larger; measuring device)

- Glass stirring rod

- Liquid Dropper


- Glass vials (10ml or larger) . . . . . . . .

- Rubber stoppers (20mm) . . . . . . . . or Flip Top aluminum-plastic cap seal (20mm)

- Wheaton Media Glass Bottle (125ml or larger; storage container)

OPTIONAL Equipments:

- Crimper . . . . . . . . Standard Aluminum Seal (20mm)


Digital scale
Digital thermometer (optional)
Isopropyl Alcohol (for cleaning equipments and disinfecting your skin prior to pinning)
Spray bottle (for the Isopropyl Alcohol)
Stick on labels

Oil and Solvent

- Benzyl Alcohol
(used at around 1% to prevent bacterial growth, a.k.a as bacteriostatic agent)

- Benzyl Benzonate
(used as a solvent at varying % to dissolve certain hormones and prevent crystalization. Some hormones such as Test E, Boldenone, and Nandrolone, do not need BB)

- Grape Seed Oil
(Used as a carrier for the hormone. Some people use Ethyl Oleate [EO]. While I don't know much about EO, I have read that it dissolves hormones better at higher concentration of mg/ml, but some people are allergic to it, it could dissolve a rubber cap, and it is pricey.)​
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By the way, I don't know much about the filtration system using hand pumps and the like, so if anyone out there who has experience with working with this type of filtration, please chime in.
IF I were to brew.... I would need:
Hot Plate
Good Thermometer
USP BB.....
Carrier Oil (Grape seed, Cotton Seed, Safflower, Etc) don't bother with USP bc they seller has usually bought it in bulk then repackaged so no longer sterile. I would just run however much oil you need through a filter before using it in the brew then filter everything once it is in mixture.
2or3 Beakers large enough for however big a batch you need ex 250ml or 500ml or 1L etc
Empty vials
Butyl stoppers
flip top or standard tops
Crimper tool for the type of tops you buy (standard or flip top)
Digital scale
rubber gloves
Plastic table cloth
Alcohol to wipe down everything
Hand vaccum pump with pressure gauge
Bottle top filter (I would prefer Millapore .22um if I were to brew of course)
GLASS media bottle 45mm top (250ml, 500ml, 1l, etc)
good tongs for handling hot glass ware
Syringes w/o needles 3ml and 20ml go ahead and get a few of them for future use. I would probably only use the 20 if I were to brew.
Needles (18g or bigger)

Start by washing all lab equip and vials thoroughly then put everything in a pressure cooker for 30 mins (heat + pressure = sterile) Pre-heat oven to 250 F about 5 mins before pressure cooker is done. This might be the perfect time to wipe down entire area with alcohol after using a bleach product to clean surfaces. This is also an ideal time to set up your plastic table cloth where you will be working (kitchen table or bar, etc) and clean with a bleach product. Clean a pan and wipe with alcohol just before glass ware is ready to come out of pressure cooker (after you have let it cool for 5 mins and released pressure). I would then remove the glass with tongs to give it an alcohol bath by pouring a little in a bowl then lifting it out with tongs place directly on clean pan in oven upside down (no pit stops have on mask and gloves) at 250F (mostly to dry bc glass ware comes out of the pressure cooker wet). While in the oven...Plug recipe into an online steroid powder calculator like the one found on tells you your amounts (add 2ml more than you want to make for waste). Go ahead and filter a little more carrier oil, or a lot more for future brews), than you need one time into a media bottle using the same method described below (this can be done days before or when you are pressure cooking glass ware). Your glass ware should be dry after 5 mins take out the beaker you need out of the oven with tongs put it on the digital scale press tare then add raw powder (I'm hoping you have verified powder already with melting test...Test E should melt in between your fingers so I'm told) go ahead and add bb with a new syringe and needle (if you are brewing Test E then add oil at this point w same needle bc you only need about 5% BB and its pretty dry). Apply heat by placing on a hot plate on med high heat (not in skillet/pot with water bc vapor can get into your brew I'm told) heat and stir until clear then add oil with same needle as BB and bring up to a temp just a little hotter than melting point of raw (+10 C or F) for about 2-3 mins but not a bunch more heat (pay attention to your thermometer). Brew should be very clear and no swirls now let cool to 100F THEN add BA with same needle (its an alcohol so it can evaporate and not perform its duty? Just seems logical to me and plus it is not used as a just my $.02). Brew has cooled to 100F so it is safe to filter. Wipe table cloth with alcohol, put something down so the pan doesnt melt the plastic (best to have alcohol soaked cloth on top of a hot plate holder) and take pan out of oven to cool on table cloth, set out vaccuum pump, new syringe and needle here. When media bottle is warm to the touch then add the plastic washer to the top of it, take bottletop filter out of sterile bag remove plastic bottom (save this) and screw it on the top of the media bottle then add the brew to the top replace plastic top on top of bottle top, pump up hand pump to 20-25 and make sure it holds, if not tighten media bottle or vacuum tube. Then wait. While you are waiting put the butyl stoppers and flip top or standard crimp tops in a small bowl with alcohol and get crimpers all cleaned up and wiped down on your work area. When Brew is filtered and no longer dripping give it a shake, refilter by unscrewing bottletop from media bottle then placing bottle top on the plastic bottom that came off take plastic top off and pour brew back in put plastic top on, take plastic bottom off, screw media bottle back on and pump up to 20-25 then wait. While you are waiting pull out stoppers and crimp tops and place them on a sterile cloth to dry. Once it is done filtering second time, take 2 vial off of the pan at a time, open syringe and needle (in a sterile manner google it) and draw out 20ml of brew placing 10 in each vial then place cap back on syringe and quickly put on stoppers and crimp tops. Repeat this until brew is all bottled up. Mask and gloves should be worn at all times.
Brew should look absolutely perfect.

I know that some will say filtering carrier oil is not necessary and refiltering brew same deal but I would want anything going into my body to be very very sterile. Others might say that using the syringe to measure the brew is not very accurate and that's true so I would probably just add an extra .5 ml to each vial and in my calculations just to be sure. That's how I would do it .....if I ever decided to.
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Nice detailed instructions, James.

By the way, Paul, you can get the conversion calculator to help with your brewing:

There are a few ways of mixing and brewing, and one simple way that I know of is:


1. Calculate the ingredients I need
2. Mix the ingredients (powder, ba, bb) in a beaker
3. Fill up the beaker with oil until it reaches the desired volume
4. Heat the oil until the powder dissolves and filter


For example, let's say you want to make

20ml Test E @
1% BA
15% BB (not recommended; just an example)

this is what you do:

Step 1: Calculate how much ingredients you need (powder, BA, BB)

(Formula: Concentration x Total final volume => Total ingredient needed)​

300mg/ml x 20ml => 6,000mg (or 6g of Test E)​

BA 1%
1/100 x 20ml => 0.2 ml of BA

BB 15%
15/100 x 20ml => 3 ml of BB

Step 2: Put all your ingredients into a beaker with volume indicator and mix them

Step 3: Add oil in until the volume reads 20ml. That's it!

If you have any question regarding the math or the mixing of the ingredients, please let me know.
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I'm guessing that digital thermometer, besides having better accuracy, can be used for higher temperature, whereas glass thermometer usually can be used up to 100 Celsius only.