Completely shredded on sterroids?


New member
Hi, my name is Tanner. I'm currently thinking about doing a 12 week cycle of steroids. My main goal is to get completely shredded like fitness models. I have been training for around 6 years. I have been currently been doing an maintence nutrition plan(designed by my crossfit training). I have been gaining strength results even with this maintence plan, but I'm finish with football season. So, I want to get shredded for the summer. I'm 5'10, 195 pounds, and around 14% bf. My Questions (feel free to add in other useful knowledge as well):
Is there a certain type of steroid I need to take? If not it depends on your diet and workout routine? Should I do any good workout, or is there one specifically for people on steroids? When I cut will I also pack on more weight? Lastly, after I reach my desired goal (male fitness physique), will I be able to keep it? When I do a post cycle and get off. I'll a course keep working out and stay on a good diet.
Test only for your first cycle, and diet/ training still have the same principals. You might be able to train a little bit mpre frequently, but you still need to eat at a deficit if you want to lose weight, and theres no special steroid workout.

Test is already in your body. There is no special workout or diet
How old are you bro? And be honest

im going to assume hes in highschool :p college/university people dont really have the intentions of becoming totally shredded plus the fact that hes saying "12 week cycle of steroids" goes to show he doesn't really know what hes talkin bout
You are not going to achieve a male fitness physique from your first cycle of steroids.
To Achieve that goal your mind set, dedication to hard work, diet etc has to be 100% and takes years.
Steroids is only the icing on the cake my friend, take a step back and a deep breath and Research.
Before you even think about sticking a needle in your ass you need to know exactly what you will be running, how to run it, 100% knowledge of PCT and how to successfully run one.
Take your time with this game brother.. patience is key.