Conan... GOAT!


New member
Gotta b the best movie ever. From the story to Arnold being in it. "crush ur enemies, see them driven befor u and hear the lamentation of their women" Nuff said!
Are you talking about Conan the Barbarian movie???
Vernon Hills Personal Trainer
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Yeah of corse! The destroyer doesn't count. And I'm talkin about the 82 version, not the horrible 2011 one. "the riddle of steal"
Conan was one of my early inspirations for lifting weights.

I was so pissed off with what they did in the 2011 Conan. It was awful and Jason "Homoa" is a total twat.
2011 one was garbage. just horrible lol. Mamoa was pretty decent as Khal Drogo in Game of Thrones though. LOOKS like a barbarian but the Conan 2011 was bad writing.