condoms: to wear or not to wear, you be the judge

condoms do suck but i prefer to wear one, i already know every other guys been in her when she doesnt mind putting out when she possibly doesnt even remember my name from an hour ago. im glad girls go out and get some from every other guy, if guys cann girls can too, butttt condoms should be worn for those who enjoy having a different partner every night of the week. and yeah true mustang, every guy doesnt mind busting on a pretty face everyonce in a while hah.
I hate the damn things but I wear one anyway. Two kids are more than enough and now that their out of the house I'm not looking to bring in another.

Does anyone use the rythem method anymore? I'm surprised how few women even know of this honestly. It doesn't prevent STD's but it's not bad wiht preventing pregnecies.
Condoms don't hurt as bad as the $180,000 you will part with if you get her pregnant, don't be a moron. There are enough kids already without adding unwanted ones.
painless2 said:
Condoms don't hurt as bad as the $180,000 you will part with if you get her pregnant, don't be a moron. There are enough kids already without adding unwanted ones.

No, you call a mulligan and give her the yute boot.
Durex ultrasensitive used to be 50,000% better than trojan and other available options. Not sure if things have changed.
you guys gotta get yourselves a nice clean girl that you can raw dawg and blow your load in, and then have bitches on the side that you use rubbers with... best of both worlds
I used to like gold coins for a period of time back in high school. After that I pretty much stopped using them. I see one and my dick goes soft.
gator_mclusky said:
True but condoms still suck. Problem is...i go in for bloodwork every 4-6 months to check out everything after or during a cycle and if Ive been barebackin a few chicas I'm nervy about those blood test!
Damn negros had to start screwin Monkeys, then the gays brought AIDS on themselves, then the bi-sexual fags had to go bring it into the Hetero scene. Damn naggas and fag fuck up everything!

Well that ain't true.

The AIDS epidemic started with the polio vaccine in africa... they were using the same needle for hundreds of people. Some african tribes eat monkey as part of their culture which transmited HIV from the apes to humans, then the americans became infected as well...

As for the fags... we're men so we have lots of sex... whenever we want... so of course it spread. get over it. It's not like we're trying to give it to you.

Pussy scares me.. it looks like an axe wound.