contemplating hgh, pinn????


New member

I have a few cycles of gear under my belt, I'm thinking of trying out hgh. Pinn is legit for gear, but how are they for hgh? I've heard so much about fake hgh, don't want to risk it with out others opinions.

It's not that it's fake - it's that it usually under dosed, expensive, and gives minimal results in comparison to AAS. It has to be stacked with AAS to really emphasize its use.

As for PInn's quality I don't know.
They 2 gh suppliers they carry are some of the best UG has to offer. The purity of them is beyond me I haven't tried either of them
Rips and blacktops Elitropins are all they sell. In my opinion those are the top 2 ug hgh's available. I've been on blacktops for a year and asked JB to carry them, so 2 months ago they did.