Controlling estrogen / doctor recommended letrozole (blood work included)

one way step

New member
Saw my endo today and got BW results from a few weeks ago. Currently I'm taking 200mg test cyp once per week. This BW was drawn one day before my weekly injection.

Test: 642 ng/dl (range 348-1197)
Estradiol: 31.6 pg/mL (range 7.6-42.6)
Estrone, Serum: 84 pg/mL (range 12-72) high

Doctor recommended going on letrozole to combat the high estrone and to lower the estradiol. I had been taking anastrozole in the past (.25mg per week) but stopped when it began causing fatigue after several months of weekly use.

Has anyone ever tried letrozole? How does it fare compare to anastrozole? My sex drive is pretty weak without the aid of ED drugs (I'm usually on cialis 5mg daily when I can afford it plus got Viagra on hand) and even with the drugs it's not ideal at all.
Dude that is the first time I have ever heard of an end recommending Letorzole. HE is brilliant. Seriously I love it. IT isi the easiest and most responsive Aromitise inhibitor that I've ever use and I love the estrogen rebound that helps you recover during Post Cycle Therapy.
What letrizole doses do you think are appropriate for TRT? My pills are 2.5mg which my endo claims is the lowest dose.
So, on occasion, I take 0.625mg of letrozole once per week with the 200mg test cyp shot I take.

I've noticed that the few days after I take the letrozole, it sorta seems like I gaining weight. My stomach and face get flabby and almost water-retention like. This usually puts me off from taking letrozole two weeks in a row.

I read that Letrozole can cause weight gain with women taking it for breast cancer, but is weight gain a persistent or common side effect for the dose I'm taking?
No way the Letro is causing weight gain, at your dosage. When women take it they take like 5 times the amount.
Letro is stronger as it has the ability to penetrate and stop aroma in places the others can't. I don't think its a necessary AI unless anastrozole isn't working.