controlling high estrogen


New member
i was wondering how do you guys taking 500mg test a week control your estrogen with like .5 mg of Aromatase inhibitor (AI) eod? From reading on here that seems to be the recommended dose. I'm on testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) and on 200mg a week and I was taking .5 mg Aromatase inhibitor (AI) 3x a week and on my blood test my estro was still 45. So I've raised it to 1mg anastrozle 3x a week.

eventually i want to increase my dosage to cycle levels to 400mg/week for a while and so I'm wondering to keep my estro in check will I need to double my AI? I still don't know if I'm going to be in range taking 1mg - 3x a week though I think I should be since at 45 I'm not too far off.

Do you guys do a blood test in the middle of your cycle to see where your estro is at to bring it down? or do you just run the cycle without checking? in testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) we have to continue checking until we're dialed in, so after I make adjustments I'll have another blood test 6-8 weeks after. I'm wondering if once I go to a cycle dose if I should get a blood test done in the middle of the cycle to check my estro to keep it in range? or just let it run?

one guess I had was that most of you don't run HCG on cycle and on testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) I do 500iu a week of HCG and HCG aromatizes so could that be the reason that so many of you can get away with .5 mg Aromatase inhibitor (AI) eod? I just cut my HCG dose in half this past week to see if it helps bring my estro down so I can bring down the AI.
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At that dose of adex my e2 would be low as shit. I cruise on 300mg test and only use .15mg of adex eod. Everyone responds differently. You must be one that does not respond well to adex. Maybe you should try aromasin.
Thanks for the reply. I'll try aromasin can you suggest what dosage I should start with, how about 12.5mg ed?
yeah i guess by looking at the blood results i'm only a few points off, it still says i'm out of range high but, the range is 7.6-42.6

the thing is that i'm taking .5 mg 3x a week and if i'm at a 45 at 200mg a week of test, what's going to happen when i go to 400mg test a week? wouldn't my estro get higher? so i would still have to increase AI? so maybe i should try and see how i respond to aromasin now before i start the cycle dosage?

45 isn't so bad. Just be careful if you go to low. Below 20 for me and my joints start killing me.
yeah i guess by looking at the blood results i'm only a few points off, it still says i'm out of range high but, the range is 7.6-42.6

the thing is that i'm taking .5 mg 3x a week and if i'm at a 45 at 200mg a week of test, what's going to happen when i go to 400mg test a week? wouldn't my estro get higher? so i would still have to increase AI? so maybe i should try and see how i respond to aromasin now before i start the cycle dosage?

Have you responed at all to the adex? Do you even know if its working? Is it good adex? I'd check that out first
Have you responed at all to the adex? Do you even know if its working? Is it good adex? I'd check that out first

it should be good since I'm on testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) it's from the pharmacy. I think I am responding to it since on my previous blood test I was taking 1mg E5D when I was taking test E5D and my estro came back as 56. Then I split up the shots 3x a week and started taking .5 mg 3x a week (after every shot) and it came back as 45. The lower number could also have had to do with me splitting up the shots but, I don't know how much of an effect that would have as my estro lowered about 10 points.

I've switched to 2x test shots a week now instead of 3x since I was try 3x because some people were saying that splitting up their shots that many times lowered their peaks so they converted less and some people were even able to eliminate Aromatase inhibitor (AI) and so that was the only reason I was trying that. Since that didn't happen, I'm just going to 2x a week.

Also I think I raised my Aromatase inhibitor (AI) too much to 3 mg a week if I was taking 1.5 mg a week and my estro came back as 45 then I'm only a few points off the normal range so I probably only need to raise it another .5mg a week. So I think I'll probably do .5 mg the day of each test shot and then 1 mg two days later. Should I do that? If it's still not in range then I can go to up to 2.5 mg then 3mg a week? That way I'm increasing it slowly so I can try and get by taking as less as possible.
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If you feel your nipples hurting and growing then you know, no blood tests needed. most dont go by blood test. they either start the Aromatase inhibitor (AI) from day one or they add it as they feel it is needed.

I rec 0.25mg eod letro or STANE 12.5-25mg ed-eod
yeah i guess by looking at the blood results i'm only a few points off, it still says i'm out of range high but, the range is 7.6-42.6

the thing is that i'm taking .5 mg 3x a week and if i'm at a 45 at 200mg a week of test, what's going to happen when i go to 400mg test a week? wouldn't my estro get higher? so i would still have to increase AI? so maybe i should try and see how i respond to aromasin now before i start the cycle dosage?

Trying to finetune your E with different doses of test is difficult. For example, when I was dosing at 100mg/wk (TRT) and using aromasin 12.5mg/ed my E when down to a low 5.1. My current cycle of 600mg test/300 deca and using aromasin 12.5mg/eod my E was 65. So now I'm doing 12.5mg/ed and will retest in a month or so. I'm shooting for my E to be in the 30-40 range. BTW, I'm using PP's Exemestane.