converting different powders?????


New member
Hey guys, had a few questions about getting some powders here within the next few days, and im wondering do all the powders
convert over about the same way or do some compounds have to be converted with different kits.........?? Also how likely is it to crash, like Gh for example..
Do NOT buy GH powder. I'm betting that you do not have the proper equipment or know how to make GH. As far as the other powders, the common ones like test enanthate, deca, EQ, are very easy to convert with little or no chance of crashing. Propionate is a little more difficult, but I have not had a problem with it using 5% BA and 15% BB. Same goes for Masteron and Primo, 5% and 15% has worked very well.
IMO longer acting estered gear is easier to convert. I made Deca, EQ, and Test Enan with 2%Ba and it is truely painless.

Prop with 3%BA and 10%BB give me some pain, but if I stick to quads and glutes it should be okay.

Bulk HGH powder is a waste of money. You need very specific lab conditions to handle HGH or else you will waste the product. HGH is not supposed to be exposed to air, so that will be tough to work around this "restriction".