could somebody help me with picking a couple options on what gear to add in?

so I'm on my trt dosage of test prop at 100 mg every other day and will be starting 50 to 100 mg of test base 1 hour before working out. I workout 3 days a week anyway what would be some good options on gear to add in for long-term or short-term? I was thinking about doing my first try with tren a at 75 mg every other day for 8 weeks and see how that went but I am cutting I eat about 6 to 7 times a day 1 to 3 shakes as part of my meal it depends on the day. I'm looking to add strength without putting to much weight on. was thinking maybe adding in 500 or 600 mg of eq I've only taken test e and test prop
If this is your first cycle why not just up the test and do like 500mg test a week and see how that goes . Its not advised to take other anabolics as well first cycle .. Id go with test only higher dose first time and reap the rewards of that . Then next time start adding compounds .
I've been on test since last December I'm wanting to mix it up but don't know where to start I would love to run 750 mg of test e deca 600 mg and 50 mg of dianabol everyday for the first 6 weeks but I'm cutting and idk if it would make me fat or what I'm eating extremely clean and I'm in a calorie deficit I have 2 high carb days Mondays and Fridays other then that I only get maybe 40 or 50 carbs a day the rest of the week
Test would definetly keep you strong on its own at high doses . I mean if u havent tried raising it before to 500mg per week ... u may be surprised alone on what it can do for you . Deca is something your going to want to use for 20weeks or so . It takes time to build with it . U will always remain lean on a cut as long as your diet is good and u are taking the appropriate AI for water retention . If you take care of that ... ull be fine .
I'm just looking to get as strong as possible while cutting I could be cutting for almost a year until I'm at least 7% body fat

You just put a sentence together that defines an impossible scenario. Cutting is a reduction of calories and often a shift in macros. To put on more lean mass, you need calories to do this. Unless you're obese, and have a tremendous amount of easily shed body fat, that can be used as a readily available source of calories to build muscle - you're just going to frustrate yourself.

Is it possible to lose fat and gain muscle? Yes. It's a very slow process (recomping) that often takes a great deal of patience and planning. I'd honestly suggest you stick with cutting or bulking - pick one.

AAS will help a great deal in bending this rule, but I've yet to meet anyone that has lost a significant amount of body fat while increasing strength drastically. This excludes the aforementioned example of obese folks as it's "easy" to lose more when you have more to lose. .

Note: I'm not referring to guys on a 300 calorie deficit with tren that are looking to lose 5lbs of body fat. They too often just maintain strength, instead of gaining. At least that's my experience.

My .02c :)
well idk I would assume if I was to bump my test prop to 100 mg everyday I would increase my strength while losing weight and eating correctly of course
well idk I would assume if I was to bump my test prop to 100 mg everyday I would increase my strength while losing weight and eating correctly of course

That greatly depends on your diet, eating correctly could mean a lot of things. For example, I have been on a 1800 calorie deficit (my TDEE is very high, so that's not as drastic as it sounds) and was running grams of gear. I did lose fat obviously, but I was not getting any stronger. I still had to struggle to put up the weight to maintain my lean mass. I lost little lean mass with the cut, lost several pounds of body fat - but I didn't get stronger at all.

If you seriously want to give this a shot, aim for a SMALL reduction in calories and see how things go. I'm talking like 200 calories off TDEE to get an idea how your body responds. I want to emphasize that huge doses of AAS aren't required, it's more of a balancing act between calories in, calories out, hormones, and expectations.

Hope that clears things up.

Edit: I think I should clarify one thing in context to this thread. When I say that *I* didn't get stronger, my "noob" gains stopped loooong ago. In fact, I'm worried about the psychological crap I go through as I just started another cut this week, and I really don't want to see those plates to start coming off the bar/stack.

If you're still building up (strength gains do slow), you will likely still see strength increases at a small deficit. You probably won't hit 7% body fat that way, but it is a start. :)
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7 percent AND stay strong, my boy...are you daft ? Or geared to the kills You may stay strong for a couple weeks or so but do you know how fucking lean 7 point s is ? Unless your a genetic freak, it s unnatural and for me misery...7 dick would be striated.
Op is 19, 260-270lbs and has been running gear for way too long. A trt dose of test prop 100mgs/eod lol! Bud, you need to stop abusing gear and work on your diet. That's what drops the lbs..
um no I'm actually 22 going to be 23 in January so don't come on here talking shit acting like you know me I'm 260 pounds I just weighed myself at my brothers and for your information I'm carb cycling do you not know how to read? GTFO my post for real all you do is stalk on here get a life
You just put a sentence together that defines an impossible scenario. Cutting is a reduction of calories and often a shift in macros. To put on more lean mass, you need calories to do this. Unless you're obese, and have a tremendous amount of easily shed body fat, that can be used as a readily available source of calories to build muscle - you're just going to frustrate yourself.
well maybe i just have good genetics, but when i was cutting on test prop and tren ace, test prop 175 a week and tren @ 700 a week and clen 5 days a week. i went from 180 13%bf to 180 10%bf in about 8 weeks. and i was on a little bit of a deficit i was maying doing like 2200 calories a day.

honestly, i dont recommend this, but youll grow on tren even if you dont fucking work out. it's that amazing. if you can deal with the sides.
um no I'm actually 22 going to be 23 in January so don't come on here talking shit acting like you know me I'm 260 pounds I just weighed myself at my brothers and for your information I'm carb cycling do you not know how to read? GTFO my post for real all you do is stalk on here get a life
ok first of all, that is not the way to get advice around here. why are you on TRT at 22? you're 260lbs of what? lean mass? lol yeah.. i'd like to see that.
That greatly depends on your diet, eating correctly could mean a lot of things. For example, I have been on a 1800 calorie deficit (my TDEE is very high, so that's not as drastic as it sounds) and was running grams of gear. I did lose fat obviously, but I was not getting any stronger. I still had to struggle to put up the weight to maintain my lean mass. I lost little lean mass with the cut, lost several pounds of body fat - but I didn't get stronger at all.

If you seriously want to give this a shot, aim for a SMALL reduction in calories and see how things go. I'm talking like 200 calories off TDEE to get an idea how your body responds. I want to emphasize that huge doses of AAS aren't required, it's more of a balancing act between calories in, calories out, hormones, and expectations.

Hope that clears things up.

Edit: I think I should clarify one thing in context to this thread. When I say that *I* didn't get stronger, my "noob" gains stopped loooong ago. In fact, I'm worried about the psychological crap I go through as I just started another cut this week, and I really don't want to see those plates to start coming off the bar/stack.

If you're still building up (strength gains do slow), you will likely still see strength increases at a small deficit. You probably won't hit 7% body fat that way, but it is a start. :)

recomping is very much so directed by your diet..

genetics do play a variable x in recomping..some people recomp very well, some dont.. as a sports nutritionist ive seen both ends of the spectrum..

look at this client for example.. this was done without anabolics.. over a 6-7 month period.. he had great genetics..

but if youre diet isn't on point for recomp, you simply cannot recomp...

i always recommend carb cycling for recomping... thats what this client above did with me.. and it worked out very well.. we added a ton of weight on him and his bodyfat stays relatively lean