Crazymike is BACK!!!!


New member
WASSUP!!!! I finally got the internet at home set up. Finally got rid of that stupid ass dial up!!
So I will be on here more often.

The past year was pretty busy. Last summer I competed in 2 shows, did a photoshoot in Vegas, and did a lingerie fashion show. So I was on a pretty strict diet for about 9 months, which SUCKED!!
I got my weight down to about 195lbs, which I feel was a little too light for my build.

Currently I am up to 235lbs and I will provide som pics at the bottom of this thread. I am getting married in less than 2 months on June 4th.

Other than that, just working out hard!!

Below are some of my recent pics. Weighing about 235lbs. Sorry I did not get any led shots. But if any of you remember my legs were definitely not lagging!
Excellent work dude. Great focus on your upper pecs. Many guys tend to lack proper balance between upper and lower but you nailed it.

One criticism, your forearms are really smokin but your upper arms look smaller than they should. Either they need more focus or your FAs are killing your proportions. To match your shoulder and FA ratios, you'll need about 3 more inches on the guns. Just an opinion.

Great job.
Thanks for the comments!

My upper arms have always needed work. They are big, just nopt a lot of shape to them. The upper arms are 20"s, but what is killing it is my forearms are 16.5"s, so it makes my upper arm look smaller!!

I have been working my ass off trying to get my upper arms to grow, but not much seems to work. Oh well!!

Thanks again!!
Hey stranger!

Congratulations on the pending marriage. July 4 was my parents' anniversary too.
Thanks for all the compliments!!

Diet is mainly a lot of protein and moderate carbs. Protein is mostly from chicken, carbs is mostly from oatmeal and potatoes.
Training is always heavy in the 6-12 rep range.
Can you post an example of your training. I know you said heavy in the 6-12 rep range but how many exercises, sets, etc. Thanks.
Thanks everyone for the big welcome and the nice comments!!

Venom - I will make a new thread in the Training Forum with my workouts for you!

Whats up dude been a while.....looks like you are still got the "gun show" going on!

Glad to see some older fellows here stilll!

Talke care and keep up the good work!

I think in order to better "ass"es your physique, I'll need to see some pics from this "lingerie show" ;)

J/K Sweetie. Looking great as always. :)

Of course if you really wanted to post said pics I wouldn't complain...... :p