Creatine Loading?


Gettin Swole
Does anyone know if loading on creatine is absolutely nessasary? It just seems like a waste to me. Im just going to take 5g twice a day without loading.
IMO it's not needed, as it is your getting enough water retention from the gear, so why get more from the creatine
IMO it would just be a waste of money, save it if I was it is you'll gain good weight with a proper diet, training, and I wouldn't do it...good luck with it
StoneColdNTO said:
Hey Rado.....can you hit me up with your list


ok, I'm telling on you now...I'm reporting you to the mods, that's it, I've had it:D :D :afro:
i dont think you need to load creatine. the only advantage to loading it is if you want a high level of it in your system before a competition or event for endurance or performance. otherwise i wouldnt load it. if you do load it for the above purposes then it is preferable to have been off creatine for a while. ill try to find the study where i read this if you guys doubt me but i have tried loading and not loading and there really isnt any notable difference. after 10 or 15 days without loading your levels should be right where theyd be if you had loaded. so why waste so much in the first week?
Ill have to agree with rado on this one. The water retention is high enough while on gear without adding to it.

:afro: Dig the fro dude
I've found creatine to give quite a boost while "on". I'd guess that muscle uptake/synthesis of creatine is increased while on a cycle.

I wouldn't think of doing a cycle without 5g-10g day of creatine.
DTOX said:
I've found creatine to give quite a boost while "on". I'd guess that muscle uptake/synthesis of creatine is increased while on a cycle.

I wouldn't think of doing a cycle without 5g-10g day of creatine.

OMFG..what's up with that avatar:rolleyes: