Rob does a thruster for the complex (which is sort of a crossfit thing). The way I run the complex is:
1) powerclean
2) power jerk
3) back squat
4) heaving snatch balance (sort of, the grip isn't too wide from the BS)
5) drop & repeat
And for a warmup I run it between 95 and 145 lbs (2-4 25lb bumpers). That's what's so great about the complex, you can go light and use it as a warmup or you can go heavy and use it for conditioning. I've also done it with snatches instead of cleans:
1) power snatch
2) back squat
3) snatch balance
4) drop
And talking of snatches, I'm with donjob on this one: you can run snatches with PVC to get your hips warmed up, get the delts and lats engaged, and get blood pumping. It's crucial that you get the form right before moving up to the bar, but I suspect just running with a 45lb bar isn't going to hurt anyone.
I'm downright gasping after an hour or so of snatch work (and it has nothing to do with the tren! promise!). You're not doing it right if it feels relaxed.