Crossfit...anybody implement these workouts with primarily bodybuilding routine

Leave the dogs alone just shoot the crossfiters ....
Cross fit can go f!#k its self it even ruined kettle bells watching these retards swinging them around like there doing around the world with yoyo or swinging around on chin up bars like monkey bars in a kids play ground even the idea behind it is backwards who can exercise the fastest who fucking cares

Lol. Any of you guys have a concept2 rower in your gym? My goal when I started Crossfit was to row a 2:00 500m. A few years later it was 1:30. My best today, 49 years old mind you is 1:23.5 for a 500m. I've posted some strength numbers already, easy to compare. If you've got a rower compare your time against mine. It'll just take a couple minutes. Let me know how that goes. Or you can just feel good about yourself while forming opinions bereft knowledge.
Another guy who sits at home and watches guys only have the perception of what you see on the internet and what others say about it. When you actually see how they train and know they are in better condition than you then youd respect what they do not like respect.
Mannn ive seen pleanty of the shit and not on youtube i worked across the road from a crossfit gym or whatever they are called and sat out the front watching this occur cross fit is for overweight middle aged women so they can get together wearing there gym gear jump up and down and talk a bit of shit and get a coffe that's what its about and after reading all you rubbish post it dosnt surprise me
That your a fan of it you and your boyfriend's can have it
Mannn ive seen pleanty of the shit and not on youtube i worked across the road from a crossfit gym or whatever they are called and sat out the front watching this occur cross fit is for overweight middle aged women so they can get together wearing there gym gear jump up and down and talk a bit of shit and get a coffe that's what its about and after reading all you rubbish post it dosnt surprise me
That your a fan of it you and your boyfriend's can have it

Post a oic of your top notch physique or anything you have accomplished. Now i know your full of shit you sat out front and watched uhuh ok..... You actually have no idea what goes on in there and no im not a fan we amongst each other say our crossfit jokes but we dont deny the fact you jave to be in tremendous conditioning to do the work they do.

Never mind just saw your avi may as well be a crossfitter your physique is almost as good. I mean if you frown on them because you are a bodybuilder at least wait till u can walk the walk and talk the talk
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Lol. Any of you guys have a concept2 rower in your gym? My goal when I started Crossfit was to row a 2:00 500m. A few years later it was 1:30. My best today, 49 years old mind you is 1:23.5 for a 500m. I've posted some strength numbers already, easy to compare. If you've got a rower compare your time against mine. It'll just take a couple minutes. Let me know how that goes. Or you can just feel good about yourself while forming opinions bereft knowledge.
Thats great but i dont need to race through my workout i like to take my time work on form its not a race against the clock for me i like working out why race through it it only starts effecting your form i could have you on my old mma workouts plus a pyramid style weight plan and you would never step back into a cross fit gym again
Post a oic of your top notch physique or anything you have accomplished. Now i know your full of shit you sat out front and watched uhuh ok..... You actually have no idea what goes on in there and no im not a fan we amongst each other say our crossfit jokes but we dont deny the fact you jave to be in tremendous conditioning to do the work they do.

Never mind just saw your avi may as well be a crossfitter your physique is almost as good. I mean if you frown on them because you are a bodybuilder at least wait till u can walk the walk and talk the talk

Thanks but that was while i was competing and coudnt put on to much bulk or i would have been booted out of my weight class and no im not a very big bit im slowley getting there
Been doing Crossfit since 2008. Ive had one injury, left shoulder doing something silly. Other than that it's good. First time finding max lifts after about 2 months it was about 275 deadlift, 250 squat and 120 strict press. Last week I deadlifted 525 for 2 reps, I squat over 400 and best strict press is 225. Bench is 350 but it's not a focus. I'm 49, 5'10" and about 210 at the moment. I usually run closer to 200.

It's important to realize that "Crossfit" means different things to different people. It's not a McDonald's. One Crossfit gym in town might never lift heavy and do hour long metabolic meltdowns every day. The one a mile away might do regular strength training and metabolic work that is 90% in the 5-15 minute domain. I happily enjoy the latter.

And that Crossfit gym won't make you a weak skinny guy. Far from it. I went from a big fat weak guy to a pretty lean guy above average strength to a very lean guy with far above average strength. Adding TRT a few years ago helped, but I was already lean and strong. At one point before TRT, at 45, I was 180 pounds, deadlifting over 400, squatting 350.

It has made everything much better. I like being strong, trim, and looking good in and out of my clothes. I love the community at my gym and have friends from it that I enjoy outside the gym. I chuckle when I hear the stereotypes but I don't rail against them. I enjoy what I have.

I get along with anyone who isn't obnoxious and even some of those people. I enjoy the different train disiplines and different people. Gym friend are the best. I've been asked to tone it down in some of the best gyms in the country. The soccer moms don't like it will you motivate you buddy to get that last rep by telling him to " hike up your skirt pussy boy " lol....... I used to train football players when I was bodybuilding. I spent 10 years working with bodybuilder. Now it's mostly hockey players. Many who are into
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Cross fitter don't just do the crossfire routines. They train in any discipline that helps them compete. Thy weight lift for strength they swim and cycle and climb. IT's not about the clock it about competing against the other guy to be the strongest and fastest .

That's what makes it dangerous. Snatch, clean and jerks are intended to be a controlled exercise in which ANY mistake can end in an agonizing injury. I've trained with some of the strongest guys there are, and there's NEVER any rushing involved - that leads to losing focus, which leads to careless mistakes.

I'm all for competition, but when the Average Joe sees trained professionals that do it for a living do an exercise in a certain method, they imitate it - and can seriously wreck themselves.

It has become a fad in which folks feel a sense of belonging to an "exclusive club", much like Starbucks and Apple. Yes, there are world class athletes leading the way, but let's face the fact that it is just a passing popular thing for yuppies to do until they lose interest. I've seen three new "boxing fitness" gyms open in my area, I bet most will flock to that to lose weight - which is how crossfitters gained such large numbers. ;)
I ve mellowed so over time. I compete against father time and men 1/2 my age or 10 times as solvent.

I train fast to incorporate heart rate with strength to try and maintain a semblance of a strong guy, not to small and still be quick enough to play Frisbee, volleyball and enjoy yard work, sailing and maintain flawless form as I m to old to get hurt physically anymore.

Bedding down a hottie 18-48 whose main squeeze is 20 or a doctor with a house on the bay and Porsche Cayenne are the trophies I seek as making memories are what life s about.

Making good ones is so much better than making the one s in my past where a cast, a month or two in physical or drug rehab or the can are just speed bumps that slow me down.