cruise dose to 1000mg/test question

just curious what difference you may be expecting from running 1500 mg a week of test and bumping it up to 2000 mg a week ?

if 250 mg a week of test puts you at 1500+ ng/ml of total test on your blood work.. then what is 2000 mg a week gonna put you at? once your into super- physiological levels of test, there is not much difference from 4500 ng/ml to 5500 mg/ml (it would go un-noticeable, except for the possibility of more sides)
Ah, 6',215lbs. Wow Matt, that's a lot of least I think. Curious how you feel on that much bro? Shit at 500mgs/ week my pumps are huge, libido up (a lot), hair grows crazy fast & feel overall, well. Let me know what its like in those areas anyways. Thanks.
Yes big Ben 1.30mg per pin to be exact bro
So that puts me roughly 1040mg/test a week bro

Myself I like to experiment with things lol
I switched labs 8 months to a well known lab here in canada and I can say I have notice a difference in quality of the gear that's forsure
There tren was insane, there test came back in the 1600 range off of 200mg/week, so I can't imagine what 1500mg/ week What range I would be hovering at, usually I test with tren and or deca so wanted to just leave those out and strickly run a high test blast.and see how my strength, lift and gains are off this, up my cals on a previous thread, but modified 3j's 2500 carb cycling plan to roughly over 3000 cals right now, and cycling the carbs an old school way, so I she goes, once I stall in weight I'll add in more cals, plan is to stay as lean as possible and or.loose while gaining some lbm
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Yes big Ben 1.30mg per pin to be exact bro
So that puts me roughly 1040mg/test a week bro
I know one thing tho I started feeling hungry as fuck a couple days ago, so ya I know the test is getting there lol
Trying to space my meals out evenly , I stick to whole foods mainly, eat 6 meals a day, and I love to eat,and shakes just don't cut the hunger feeling lol