Cruising dose for u guys on TRT to maintain ur size !?


New member
Hey guys , so im trying to figure something out here for myself . Im wondering , what dose do you guys imagine to be suffiecient enough to say maintain a 230lb physique of muscle ? I know there are alot of factors , but lets say 250mg test per week . can this maintain that kind of mass ? And say a pro , what would (again who realy knows) but your estimate be to what they can be lowest dose of test to maintain their physiques . i know they run grams , but if they wanted to run as low as possible just to maintain . any insight guys ?
diet is going to be the number one determining factor in regards to maintaining mass,, will gear help, absolutely, you can maintain muscle and cut while being on gear with the right protocols.. but there are plenty of pros that do not 'cruise' at all and who only run very low dosages during a cycle in the first place,, Lee Priest comes to mind, he only ran short low dosage cycles, didn't 'cruise' and because of DIET he had no problem maintaining size.

on the other hand, IF your cruising on 200 mg of test after your cycle, but your diet and protein intake sucks, you can still lose gains and lose mass even though your cruising on test.. this just goes to show how important diet is
Thanks Roush !appreciate the response . I understand that if training and calories/ other factors arent on point that u will lose size for sure . but assuming all that is on point , is that amount of a dose abel to maintain that much mass . Or would someone being 230lb muscle need a higher TRT dose to maintain that (again assuming all is on point ) ? what can a rough estimate be ? any of u guys around 220lb or so muscle and able to maintain on ur trt doses ? what doses u bigger guys at and maintaining ?
Why would I want to lose 80lbs? Lol, you never said how tall, it makes a difference. :p

I honestly don't have a clue. I know guys that are big boys and what they cruise on, but I have zero scientific data to back up whether or not their doses are why they maintain, or if it's just a fantastic diet.

I agree with Roush though; diet is still king. :)
The pro's cruise on crazy ammounts lol, but they have the genetics to deal with the side effects better than most of us. Alot of NPC guys cruise on around 500mg's of testosterone from what I have heard, and still use low dosages of stuff like hgh. I have also heard of pro's who completely go off cycle for short ammounts of time.

I like Lee priest but I wouldn't exactly believe most the things he says. I mean the dudes nick name is Liar Priest. Most the pro's take pretty big dosages year round I know that some of there cycles can have about 10 grams of steroids in it. The normal person couldnt handle those dosages though I mean the pro's are able to abuse drugs without as many negative side effects as regular guy would have. Nasser talked about how most the pro's would get sick from the dosages if they didnt have the constitution of a horse lol whatever that means.

For your average bodybuilder at 230 pounds 12% body fat on a 3 month cruise I would say it would take around 350mg's a week give or take. There are some dudes who could probably cruise on just 150mg's a week and maintain the mass though. It definetely depends on the person but my guess would still be around 350mg's to really not loose any gains at all. Then again it depends on how big you were before you started steroids, and how close you are to your max potential. If you started out at 150 pounds and got up to 230 pounds that could change the entire question.

I think lower cruise dosages of around 200 to 250 would be the best risk to benefit ratio for your average guy though. I wouldn't go over 250mgs a week for a cruise, and also wouldnt recomend cruising at 250mgs all year round.
Thanks Roush !appreciate the response . I understand that if training and calories/ other factors arent on point that u will lose size for sure . but assuming all that is on point , is that amount of a dose abel to maintain that much mass . Or would someone being 230lb muscle need a higher TRT dose to maintain that (again assuming all is on point ) ? what can a rough estimate be ? any of u guys around 220lb or so muscle and able to maintain on ur trt doses ? what doses u bigger guys at and maintaining ?

So are you asking for someone who weights 230 lbs total or for someone who as 230 lbs of muscle mass + their body fat, water, bones, etc?
This is too difficult to determine a right or wrong answer really..

Every person will have a different "genetic limit" .. Anything beyond this limit will need to be taken into account and extra gear would need to be added to maintain it. The real problem lies in the diminishing returns.. What is your genetic limit? How far beyond it are you? Eventually more AAS/GH/Slin, won't maintain a single ounce more.. your body will fight you at the top just as it does at the bottom. Go into a cut, you will be fought tooth and nail by yourself to keep weight on for survival, instinctual purposes. Same thing happens as you get larger.

Then it's like.. each person carries different amounts of bone, water, glycogen, body fat.. as Mega mentioned above.

Then there are height differences, as HW mentioned.. and it totally does matter. Homeostasis for him is much higher than it is for me. If we both came off everything but 250mg Test E.. we'd still be two totally different sizes. Say, a year or two off training as well :) He's been at it longer than me and more consistently for sure!

Too many variables. I would start low dose test with 250mg/wk if you're concerned with muscle sparing that much.. But diet is what's really going to aid you at that dose. I'd say unless you're 5'4".. 230 could be pretty well maintainable at 200mg/wk even. Just with a well planned maintenance diet in place!
Training matters a lot either, quite obvious but worth a mention here.
If you fight to keep your strenght where its at your body will be "happier" to keep the muscle mass either.
We cant really calculate accurate numbers here, the only thing you can do in my opinion is:
- keep the nutrition in check
- keep the training in check
- try a normal cruise dose and see what happens

If point 1 and point 2 are surely not the problem but you are still losing gains, then try upping the cruise dose a bit.
Mega for someone who is already built up and all muscle , rough estimate at what kind of minimum cruise dosage he may need to maintain it assuming all else is on point
Everyone is different. We have a 47 year old guy who posted yesterday his doses and they were very low. Guy is jacked! Not really a cookie cutter question to be asking. We all know with experience that this differs between the person. If your looking for an answer to justify using a high cruise dose, just try it out. You seem to post lots of questions and questionable cycle layouts a lot. Trial and error. Just stick to something and log it. Then you can reference your results in the future...
45yrs old - 5ft 9" - approx. 220lbs
Cruise dose = 250mg Test Undecanoate (pharma) & 200mg Deca (UGL) weekly
Also 5mg Cialis daily with 0.5mg Adex E3D and 2 x 250iu HCG weekly.

I can maintain easily on that.

NB: My diet is dialed in tighter than an otter's pocket!
He who pun would pick a

test c 150 a week
Hcg--about every other or 3 rd month at 125-250 iu s 2-3 a week.
Cialus for bp and recreating. a 1/3 of a 20 mg cap. every 3 rd day.
If you are cruising at 800-1000ng/dl, you should be able to maintain your muscle mass just fine if diet, training, sleep, etc are all in place.
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If you are cruising at 800-1000ng/dl, you should be able to maintain your muscle mass just fine if dirt, training, sleep, etc are all in place.

^^ this.. what blood testosterone levels you are maintaining is more important then what the MG dosage is weekly (and this is not soley dependent on how much a guy weighs).. If you weigh 200 lbs and it takes you 150 mg a week to maintain those blood levels then that is all you need (wither you are 200 or 280 lbs whatever it takes to maintain those blood levels).
Everyone is different. We have a 47 year old guy who posted yesterday his doses and they were very low. Guy is jacked! Not really a cookie cutter question to be asking. We all know with experience that this differs between the person. If your looking for an answer to justify using a high cruise dose, just try it out. You seem to post lots of questions and questionable cycle layouts a lot. Trial and error. Just stick to something and log it. Then you can reference your results in the future...

Thats right . i do post alot of questions ... u know why ? Because this is a forum for people who dont know it all to come here and try to learn something . Why do i always catch a bad vibe from every one of ur posts see ? Stop being above everyone .
45yrs old - 5ft 9" - approx. 220lbs
Cruise dose = 250mg Test Undecanoate (pharma) & 200mg Deca (UGL) weekly
Also 5mg Cialis daily with 0.5mg Adex E3D and 2 x 250iu HCG weekly.

I can maintain easily on that.

NB: My diet is dialed in tighter than an otter's pocket!

Thank you greatly bigben , this was just the answer i was looking for .
The only dumb question is the one, if the answers not found or clear after reading and researching as this ( our aas fueled live s) has so many variables and nuances extrapolated by the fact that we are all so different both in make up at the molecular level , as well as in the assimilation of compounds ingested and/or injected, the resultant blood plasma levels are very individually specific....., is the one not asked.

I think I both spelled and said that correctly. Not sure so I'll ASK ? lol

Merry Xmas brothers. Let s all just get along, pin ourselves into our own Valhalla and then pin either our loved one or the one we re with to the mattress as often and as hard as they will allow !!!!!!
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The only dumb question is the one, if the answers not found or clear after reading and researching as this ( our aas fueled live s) has so many variables and nuances extrapolated by the fact that we are all so different both in make up at the molecular level , as well as in the assimilation of compounds ingested and/or injected, the resultant blood plasma levels are very individually specific....., is the one not asked.

I think I both spelled and said that correctly. Not sure so I'll ASK ? lol

Merry Xmas brothers. Let s all just get along, pin ourselves into our own Valhalla and then pin either our loved one or the one we re with to the mattress as often and as hard as they will allow !!!!!!

Said it perfect man