Customs letter

Brock Landers said:
yea the letter I got told me how/where I would go about to claim it and I threw it out also. I just thought it was odd that they would send it over a month after attempting to send the same letter through certified mail. I wanted to know if this was common protocol for customs or what not...

I believe it is, they give you a cetain amount of time to claim then if you don't it becomes property of the fed. gov't.
The only thing i would do is chalk it up as a loss.THE MOST LETTERS I EVER HEAR OF RECIEVING FROM CUSTOMS IS 3 AND THEN IT SHOULD STOP,IF NOT I MIGHT GET WORRIED A LITTLE WORRIED.My bad on caps,to lazy to rewrite this.

Send them a letter back....

Dear Customs/Postal Inspector,

You have seven (7) business days to deliver my package. If you do not comply, nor respond to this notice, you will forfeit your health to the business end of my baseball bat which, of course, will be an accident or self-defense.

A tax paying citizen that pays your salary.
P.S. Stop stealing our shit and sending fake seizure notices.
WannaBe said:
Send them a letter back....

Dear Customs/Postal Inspector,

You have seven (7) business days to deliver my package. If you do not comply, nor respond to this notice, you will forfeit your health to the business end of my baseball bat which, of course, will be an accident or self-defense.

A tax paying citizen that pays your salary.
P.S. Stop stealing our shit and sending fake seizure notices.
