cutting belly fat

outlawtas2 said:
I definately believe that there is some truth to some steroids helping burn fat. However, when people post this type question they probably don't have a lot of experience. My idea in telling them this is because they may get the impression that all they have to do is inject and get ripped.

I have personally noticed some fat loss with Anavar, but in a full out cutting cycle the amount of calories burned because of Cardio and diet would more than overshadow the amount burned by anabolics imo.

Indeed. You really won't notice a difference unless you are atleast under 15% bf in my opinion. When I am off cycle I sit around 12-15% but if I jump on tren it goes down 10% or below with no changes in diet or cardio. Granted some of that lost percentage is due to increased lean body mass but it can't account for all of it especially when clincal studies prove it to burn fat.

thanks for all the great advice, I'm getting ready to start a cycle of win tabs, we will see if it works.
Speaking of tren I've started my first cycle with it. 3 weeks in and I've put on 10-12 lbs and have gained no fat, I may be even leaner than when I started.
If only someone would find a way to make trenbolone that didn't do what it does to my skin, sleep, and moods.