New member
Stats 5'10 36yrs old 18%bf
12 week cycle
Prop 100 eod
Tren 50 eod first 8 weeks
Var 50 ed last 8 weeks
Dex eod .5
I should start by saying i haven't been working out my upper body this past 6 months cause of shoulder surgery.This is my 2 week in. Im on a caloric deficit.1800/2000 cal. Macros on spot. Lots of water and ia. Dex . and absolutely no sodium.
Now my question is. I gained like 8pds in 2 weeks. I dont feel bloated. I drink at least 1galon+ a day and i take dex. So am i making gains on my cutter? Is it muscle memory?
12 week cycle
Prop 100 eod
Tren 50 eod first 8 weeks
Var 50 ed last 8 weeks
Dex eod .5
I should start by saying i haven't been working out my upper body this past 6 months cause of shoulder surgery.This is my 2 week in. Im on a caloric deficit.1800/2000 cal. Macros on spot. Lots of water and ia. Dex . and absolutely no sodium.
Now my question is. I gained like 8pds in 2 weeks. I dont feel bloated. I drink at least 1galon+ a day and i take dex. So am i making gains on my cutter? Is it muscle memory?