Cutting cycle question...


New member
Hey guys.. I have about 40 shots of winstrol, and i plan to take them 1 every other day for about 6-8 weeks. About three weeks in to the cycle im dropping 1 pill a day of Clenbuterol.. I heard things like im going to burn out my receptors or something in that manner...

Im new at this game and want to lose some extra fat i got ... 15-20 pounds of fat.. i would love for you guys to help me out
Clen is often taken 2 weeks on, 2 off. I believe you normally taper up your dosage to 120-140 mcg/day taken in divided doses, depending on how well you react to it. I've never heard of someone taking one pill per day.
first thing you're going to hear is that Winstrol (winny) and clen alone wont make you magically lose fat - rather strict diet and cardio. Clen will help and the winstrol will buiild lean muscle. A lot of mods/vets will advise a test cycle for beginner's to see what and how your body reacts.

All that said, if you follow the 2 weeks on 2 weeks off clen methods, you shouldnt have a receptor problem (im unsure, but i believe the problem only occurs with prolonged use). Try startining at a low dose 20 mcg, work up till you cant stand the side effect (nasuea, sweating, trembling feverish (hot all the time)) at about 100-140 mcg, and then taper yourself off back down to 20 mcg. A pyramid cycle like this has produced great results for me, but everyone's body is different.
what would be a good cycle for me... Like 2 years ago i took sustenon250 and Deca.... I gained a shit load of size.. and i still have the arms and chest and back from it.. but i have build up a small gut over the years... im not looking for abs or anything... just a flat stomach again...
thank you and god bless