Cutting On Win Tabs


New member
i am new here and have a question.i am getting ready for a boxing match and was needing to loose a bout 15 pounds but since i am already considerably lean the weight is going to be a little tough but i can do question is if i take 25 mg of win tabs for about 5 weeks will this make it harder or impossible to loose the weight ?
alot harder, your really not going to lose 15 pounds in 5 weeks without pretty well not eating and you will have to work out hard and by that time you will be so weak boxing will be completely out of the question.
yes as far as actualy loosing 15lbs of fat but i will get with in 5 to 6 pounds then cut the weight the day before and day of the weighin using lasix and laxitaves and posibly sauna.then rehydrate before the the win tabs will make it much more dificult even at a low dosage?
I always believe losing weight should be done naturally, supplements retent too much water which could make you add more weight then you lose.
allen1980 said:
i am new here and have a question.i am getting ready for a boxing match and was needing to loose a bout 15 pounds but since i am already considerably lean the weight is going to be a little tough but i can do question is if i take 25 mg of win tabs for about 5 weeks will this make it harder or impossible to loose the weight ?

It sounds to me like you just need to concentrate on dropping the weight and forget about adding Anabolic Androgenic Steroids (AAS) to do this. BUT, with that said what is your reason for wanting to add the Win?? Is it because you think it will help reduce your BF, help retain your mass while dieting, help retain your strength, etc.?? ..or like alot of people have told me "I just had some laying around and want to use it.." ((I hope that's not the reason ;))
Overall, I wouldn't say Win is the worst choice but I definetly woudn't recommend it to someonoe in your position. IF (big IF), you really wanted to add a little something to help with strength/LBM retention I would go with Anavar (Oxandrolone) for 4 to 6 weeks.