Cutting stack revision questions


New member
I've been doing alot of research about SARMS and im pretty confident enough to try it out since it's been getting alot more publicity and research shown to it.

I plan on running a Cutting stack around the start of March to get me setup for the body i want to achieve by the summer. I did alot of research and have a pretty good understanding of what to take but i just need to clarify that with you, and see if i need to do any adjustments to my stack and regimen

Keep in mind my DIET + Training is spot on point, I dont miss meals/nor workouts

5 meals a day, Workout 5-6 Days a week.

Here's my Stack i was planning on running

LGD-4033 - Week 1-8: 10mg ED / Split 5mg 2x a day A.M/PM (every 4-6 hours)

GW501516- Week 1-8: 20mg ED / Split 2x a day (1 in the A.M, and 1 30 minutes before my workout) < should i dose smaller dose in the am, and leave the big dose before my workout? (ex. 5mg AM / 15mg workout)

HCgenerate ES- Week 1-8?: < not sure if i run for 8 weeks throughout my whole cycle, or the first 4 weeks/ last 4 weeks, more insight on this would be great.


I was thinking about doing S4 to reap all the benefits of the triple stack but I Read alot of side effects do to Vision, and vision is a big part of my life that i dont wana be screwing around with, I already have bad vision problems and i wear contacts, so i dont think it'll be good for me, what do you recommend?

And for the mini PCT, will that unleashed/POST cycle combo be enough? or am i missing a key component needed.

Thanks again..
Anyone with experience with both of these SARMS please comment and give me re advision im sure i missed things, or can refer me to alternatives.
I'm doing my first cycle and running: ostarine, GW and s-4. Grest cutting recomp. I'm in week 4. I'll post my log week 1-4.

Log on stack 11/2/15
GW,s4, ostarine. Dosing at recommended amounts. Split doses am/pm

Wk-1 sleeping well and great stamina in gym. Go all day!!
Wk- 2 vision first thing in the morning slightly impaired for 5 min after waking. Matter in eyes more than normal mornings only. Stamina great, appetite picked up some, prolly due to increase work in gym. Vision issues cleared with 2 days off as recommended. Strength difference , more reps same weight.
Wk-3. Experiencing muscle pain... Like a cramp pump mix in biceps, forearm and front delts. Jumping up weights on all exercises. Chest is staying very full looking and body recomp very noticeable. Joints seem to be healing better.
Wk-4 body still changing. Bumping up weights weekly in gym. Stamina is unreal. Nite blindness not a problem this week.
Definitely get blood work done before you start. I used osta which is weaker than LGD and it threw my test lvls into the basement. HCgenerate is pretty much a waste of time product (just like most things you get over the counter). You need to use real HCG injections to maintain you testicular size and function. Don't let your good feelings fool you into thinking that you're not doing something bad to your system. I felt totally fine then realized only after I got bloodwork done that my test lvls where very low. You need to do real PCT like clomid and/of nolva for 4 weeks. Look up Megatron on this forum and read his links and threads
Definitely get blood work done before you start. I used osta which is weaker than LGD and it threw my test lvls into the basement. HCgenerate is pretty much a waste of time product (just like most things you get over the counter). You need to use real HCG injections to maintain you testicular size and function. Don't let your good feelings fool you into thinking that you're not doing something bad to your system. I felt totally fine then realized only after I got bloodwork done that my test lvls where very low. You need to do real PCT like clomid and/of nolva for 4 weeks. Look up Megatron on this forum and read his links and threads

Yeah i decided to switch my PCT to Clomid 50/50/50/50 | Nolva 40/40/20/20 , heard alot of people debunking the hcgenerate crap saying it doesn't work at all, if someone can verify this and shine some light on it that would be even better. But my question is what should i run on cycle to help aide with the massive drop in test levels that doesn't require injection, scared of the needles honestly.
I totally understand the fear of needles. It's not normal to take that shiny, sharp object & intentionally poke it into your body.. Lol, but after the first few injections, that fear subsides.. I literally shook like a leaf on my first couple injections.. Now, its just part of the routine..

For a SARM like LGD, I'd say run clomid @ 50mg throughout the cycle and into pct. No need for HCG, or especially HCGenerate... If you have it, I guess go ahead & run it, but don't go out & buy it if you haven't already.
Also, if this is a cutting stack, I'd say go w/ S4 instead of LGD. The vision sides are minimal. They go away about a day after you stop taking it.

Other great sarms for cutting are SR-9009 and AICAR. Those will help you with endurance for cardio and also aid in burning of more fat.
Also, if this is a cutting stack, I'd say go w/ S4 instead of LGD. The vision sides are minimal. They go away about a day after you stop taking it.

Other great sarms for cutting are SR-9009 and AICAR. Those will help you with endurance for cardio and also aid in burning of more fat.

Thanks for shining some light on this, any kind of advise serves a greatness on this post...

But i think ill give LGD a try first before getting into s4 and its vision effects since my vision already sucks and i have to wear contacts as it is...

Now for the On cycle PCT and after PCT, do you recommend Clomid/Nolva or torem, and also do youi recommoned an AI neccessary just for extra assurance or will the clomid work just fine.

so it would look like this

1-8 LGD 10mg/ED
1-8 GW 20mg ED/ split
4-8 or 1-8?? CLOMID 50/50/50/50 << ??? Tell me the correct week + dosage please
4-8 or 1-8?? Nolva 40/40/20/20 <<< ??? tell me the correctr week + dosage please

9-12- Clomid/NOLVA

Correct anything thats wrong up there, enlighten me
Sounds like a plan dude.. As for the vision sides w/ S-4, for me it was my eyes adjusting to light outside, then coming inside. Some say their vision yellows over a little. I never had that. Oh, and I wear contacts too.. Lol.

The run looks good. Yes, run the clomid throughout the run, and pct. Keep the nolva for pct only. No AI will be needed.
@Yjyankee :

hello, I'll start a ostarine + s4 cure over a period of eight weeks.
pct + during the cure what dosage you advice me for clomid + nolvadex ?

thank you in advance