Cutting stack with GW-50 & MK-677 by Sarmssearch


New member
Hello guys,

After completing my 8weeks S-4 cycle from Sarmssearch, i'm ready to try a new one.

Due to all the good comments about GW-50 and MK-677 i am willing to give it a try.

Diet will consist of a Carb Cycling Codex,
training 3-5 times a week with antagonist superset training both short sets (3-5) to keep strength and medium sets (10-12) for volume.

But before ordering those products on Sarmssearch, i have a few questions for those who did these two before :

- Can i run both for 8 strict weeks (20mg for GW50 ED and 25mg for MK-677 ED)?
- What would you advice me as PCT?
- I am wondering if i should add/replace with S-4 ? Fact is i can afford let's say 4 bottles from SS so either 2 bottles of GW50 and 2 bottles of MK-677 that'll last 8 weeks, or should I do for example 2 bottles of MK-677, 1 bottle of GW50 and one bottle of S-4? if so when should I start these? the three at week1? or later?

Thanks you for reading and let's get shredded
The bottle of S4 should last you two months, if my math is right about dosing. MK677 is a HGH secretagague, which really means it makes the body secrete HGH (create it). It is something you will want to run long term as it basically is as if you are injecting HGH, so at least 6 to 8 months of it. At 2 months you should start to see the real magic of it. This is not to say less time is bad - it certainly is not!

I would get a bottle of GW, a bottle of S4, and two NK677 bottles. You can always buy more later if funds permit and you find you really love the changes.
The bottle of S4 should last you two months, if my math is right about dosing. MK677 is a HGH secretagague, which really means it makes the body secrete HGH (create it). It is something you will want to run long term as it basically is as if you are injecting HGH, so at least 6 to 8 months of it. At 2 months you should start to see the real magic of it. This is not to say less time is bad - it certainly is not!

I would get a bottle of GW, a bottle of S4, and two NK677 bottles. You can always buy more later if funds permit and you find you really love the changes.

Thank you for the reply, you are always good advice! That is real appreciated from the frenchie from the otherside of pacific ocean :)
I think I will follow your thoughts, since that makes sense.

But would you take these three compounds?
I get that i'll be running MK677 for 6-8 months but when should i start taking GW50 and S-4? on week1? after a month? two months?
As a PCT, what would you recommend? Clomid Nolvadex?

Thanks again for taking time to help me!
Cheers guys
Hello, I am one of the new reps for sarmssearch , and I have always found Nolvadex to be the better choice of the two.
Hello, I am one of the new reps for sarmssearch , and I have always found Nolvadex to be the better choice of the two.


I was wondering if you could give me your point of view of the following stack :

I'm going to try a stack for cutting with Sarmssearch product (I already got 2 bottles of S-4 and was pissed off by the first one that had the old label but willing to try other products from Sarmssearch).

Stack would be with GW50 (1 bottle), MK677 (2 bottles to start but willing to do it for 6-8months) and S4 (1 bottle) :

I'll be running MK677 for 6-8 months but when should i start taking GW50 and S-4? starting the three together on the very first week? but then I would be out of GW50 at week4 and S4 at week8...Or should I start GW50 and S4 later? if so, when? after a month? two months?

Also, when should I start PCT with Nolvadex? After finishing S-4 and/or GW50? or at then end of the 6-8 months of MK677?

I know that's a lot of questions, but I hope you'll take time to repond so I can do right and share with the community the best review I can about Sarmssearch products :)

Thank you in advance,
I would start the GW50 and S4 at month 2, to allow the MK677 time to build up the IGF level your system. Then run all three of them together until you run out of each. Be prepared, you may find you like GW50 so much you buy a few more bottles. :)

The label change is pretty recent, so do not feel bad about getting an old label. The product inside is the same in both. The nice thing about SarmsSearch is that they use an oil based carrier (at least it tastes and feels like one) so the chemical stays in suspension and there is no need to shake the bottle before use. This means the first dose and last dose have the same amount of chemical in it, which is very nice.

I was wondering if you could give me your point of view of the following stack :

I'm going to try a stack for cutting with Sarmssearch product (I already got 2 bottles of S-4 and was pissed off by the first one that had the old label but willing to try other products from Sarmssearch).

Stack would be with GW50 (1 bottle), MK677 (2 bottles to start but willing to do it for 6-8months) and S4 (1 bottle) :

I'll be running MK677 for 6-8 months but when should i start taking GW50 and S-4? starting the three together on the very first week? but then I would be out of GW50 at week4 and S4 at week8...Or should I start GW50 and S4 later? if so, when? after a month? two months?

Also, when should I start PCT with Nolvadex? After finishing S-4 and/or GW50? or at then end of the 6-8 months of MK677?

I know that's a lot of questions, but I hope you'll take time to repond so I can do right and share with the community the best review I can about Sarmssearch products :)

Thank you in advance,

I gotta shoot it to you straight brother...that much is overkill. I understand what you are trying to accomplish, but you don't need all of those compounds to get there. As can be read on S4 & GW-501516 compliment each other very well. I understand the logic behind using MK677 as an oral form of hGh, as it will do an awesome job of promoting lean body mass and a boost in IGF-1 serum & increasing and amplifying the overall effect & release of GHRH. However, I would not recommend staying on MK677 for longer than 10-12 weeks...max. Optimum cycling is using 25mg/ed for 10 weeks.

By combining all 3 of these SARMs, you're going to get so confused with what is doing what...due to the fact that they are extremely complimentary and similar to one another (S4 & GW-501516). If you already have product in hand, why not run the S4 & GW-501616 separately from the MK677. If it were me, I would go with the 2 compounds that make the most sense running together. Sure, MK677 is the shit, and everyone wants to get their hands on it...but don't shoot your load when it can be saved and better used...with results that you will truly be able to ID. Then you can be be like "Oh shit, this stuff is amazing!"

I've talked to some of the most experienced people regarding your dilemma....and we all agree with what I have stated above. Let me now if you have any other questions. Good Luck and keep us all posted bro!
Hi guys,

Just to let you know that I haven't even started my cycle yet because Sarmssearch sent me my order but i got lost in the mail...And i'm trying to get a new bottle asap but damn that's complicated!! They don't respond positively as quick as I would..

This is the second time it happens to me when I only ordered three times on their website...thinking to change for an other website if you guys know some serious webiste

To be continued
I wanted to clarify something you asked above. MK and GW are non suppressive so you don't need PCT for them. Out of everything you've mentioned, S-4 is the only suppressive one so only consider PCT if you add S-4 to the mix. :)
I wanted to clarify something you asked above. MK and GW are non suppressive so you don't need PCT for them. Out of everything you've mentioned, S-4 is the only suppressive one so only consider PCT if you add S-4 to the mix. :)

Oh ok, thanks gayeyes for the info, but I always make sure to have some extra nolvadex/clomid around just to be sure. thanks for the reply
Mp no worries bro you'll be taken care of pm me your info and I will look into it for you.

Hi Big_rich,

I received your PM but I don't know why but I am not authorized to respond...Here is my order info from the package that got lost "1467893188" (ordered one bottle of MK-677)
Thank you, I hope i'll don't have to wait to long to get it with your help
Hi guys,

Forget what I said in previous posts, Sarmssearch took care of me and that was quite fast since I live on the other side of the pacific ocean.
Thing is that my order got lost in the mail and Sarmssearch has been kind enough to send me a new bottle for free! (no charge even shipping costs)

I received it yesterday and will be able to start this new journey next monday, so I'll let you know how it goes.

I'll do another post with all the info about training and diet (and supplementation) for those who want to follow this thread.

and thanks again to Sarmssearch (Big rich especially) for taking care of your customers
Guys, so here are the training, diet and supps for the next couple of months.

Stats : 25yo, 105kg (231lbs), 6'2, been lifting for 7 years (and rugby player for the last 9 years at a national level).

Training : since I'm the kind of people who NEED a strict training program and stick to it so I only have to focus on the mind-muscle connection during the workout, i'll do the "Building Von Moger" program from (the app is so easy to use during the training).
I advise you to check it out but for the lazy ones, that consists of a 6 weeks program, 5-6 times a week and each workout lasts about 1h, lots of different exercices and thus sets with 45" rest between sets.
Each week is a new program so you don't get bored and work every muscle in every possible angle!

Planning to do the Carb Cycling Codex (I used to do it for 2 months last year before I got injured playing rugby and I got pretty good results with it).
So since my metabolism is not that fast :
monday-tuesday-thursday-friday will be low carb day
wednesday, saturday moderate carb day
sunday high carb day

Example :
8AM Meal1 (protein, carbs and fat)
11:30AM snack1 (protein)
1PM Meal2 (protein, carbs and fat)
5PM (2 hours before lifting) Snack 2 (protein and carbs)
9PM PostW shaker (protein and carbs)
10:30 Meal3 (protein, carbs, fat)

Supplements :

8AM : 5gr BCAA, 3gr beta-alanine, 3gr creatine ; magnesium, multi-vitamin, L52, 15gr hemp protein (for fiber)
7PM : (before workout) : 5gr BCAA, 3gr beta-alanine, animal stack, animal m-stak, half a banana and a slice of wheat bread
9PM : 40gr protein powder
before bed : 5gr BCAA, 3gr beta-alanine, 3gr creatine, L52

I know glutamine is missing..
Will add the MK-677 I received with 25mg ED but when would you suggest to take it? morning? evening? before eating? after eating?

Any other comments? questions? recommendations?

Thanks guys for the sharing