Cycke ideas with test/deca/var?


I am banned!
History: 37, working out since 15. Run one or two cycles a year , mainly test 300, deca 400 and 50 anavar with great results. I'm 6'4, 235 pounds and pretty lean (no idea body fat percent).
I use legit pharm grade test, deca and var. my concerns are hair loss, gyno which I already have, and overall health. Would anyone do anything differently?
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Thanks! I've been running nolva daily with 1 mg arimidex twice a week btw

The above is what I'd fix. But you're going to want blood work done first. I suspect you're not managing estradiol properly, which is the number one cause of issues.

You state 300 test and 400 deca with 50 anavar. Are those doses per week in milligrams, or are they actually called this like "Test 300", where it's 300mg/ml? If that's the case, I'm sorry to tell you - but that's not pharmaceutical grade AAS, but a UGL marketing its products as such.

Welcome to ology.

My .02c :)
Thanks. All my stuff is from *********, it's depot test, 200 mg/ml and 10 ml. I do 1.5 ml a week = 300 a week
Welcome to the board. :wavey:

I also ask about the doses of what your are running as you didn't quite spell it out. Thanks for sharing your stats it lays the ground work for answering and helping.

Maybe you could give us a better idea of your cycle outline.
Sorry if it was confusing, it's 300 mg week of test cyp, 400 mg a week of deca and 50 mg oxandrolone. I run the cycle 14 weeks. I do:
Weeks 1-14, 300 mg a week of test
Weeks 1-11, 400 mg deca
Weeks 1-4, 50 mg daily oxandrolone
Weeks 9-14, 50 mg oxandrolone
Yes I run HCG, 250 iu 2x a week. I use arimidex but I don't use caber... I use a lot of vit B6 which is supposed to help with prolactin etc. I asked William levellyn about caber and he said I don't need it, he said an AI worked better cause the lower the estrogen the lower the progesterone and or prolactin..
Sorry if it was confusing, it's 300 mg week of test cyp, 400 mg a week of deca and 50 mg oxandrolone. I run the cycle 14 weeks. I do:
Weeks 1-14, 300 mg a week of test
Weeks 1-11, 400 mg deca
Weeks 1-4, 50 mg daily oxandrolone
Weeks 9-14, 50 mg oxandrolone

Im running a similar cycle but without the orals
Week 1-14 Sustanon 350mg
Week 1-12 Deca 300mg*
Week 1-12 Caber 0.25mg E3D
Week 1-14 Armosin 12.5 EoD

Wait 3 weeks (HcG 1000iu EW and Aromasin 12.5mg EoD)

Clomid 50/50/50/50
Nolva 20/20/20/20

I think you should use caber with deca, just to be safe..
Was always confused by this. Deca converts to estrogen slightly (20% of that of test), but always acts as a progestin.
Caber lowers prolactin.
Thus, why the need for caber when deca doesn't have anything to do with prolactin?