cycle advice

My first cycle was CEL Hdrol and I had some nice gains to show for it in 6 weeks. Around 15 lbs. Much safer cycle.

I don't see it recommended much I guess since it's a PH and this is the AAS section but IMHO I would recommend it to anyone wanting to try "gear" for the first time.
My first cycle was CEL Hdrol and I had some nice gains to show for it in 6 weeks. Around 15 lbs. Much safer cycle.

I don't see it recommended much I guess since it's a PH and this is the AAS section but IMHO I would recommend it to anyone wanting to try "gear" for the first time.

Ehhh...I'm not a huge fan of PHs...they just seem so "sketchy"...I've heard of more liver problems, acne, and mood swings, and every other side you can think of from friends and gym members...I think it's because we don't really know as much about PH, and with AAS,for the most part, you know exactly what the compound is and can everywhere on the net and in medical books...
Just my $0.02
Ehhh...I'm not a huge fan of PHs...they just seem so "sketchy"...I've heard of more liver problems, acne, and mood swings, and every other side you can think of from friends and gym members...I think it's because we don't really know as much about PH, and with AAS,for the most part, you know exactly what the compound is and can everywhere on the net and in medical books...
Just my $0.02

Hdrol is VERY mild on the sides. I know someone that did 4 weeks and never took any liver supports and never slacked up on drinking. He did have some inflammation when he went to the doctor for stomach ulcers I think it was, but that was a few days after the fact.

The Halodrol (H-Drol) Informative Bible. | Designer Steroids | - Legal Anabolic Steroid & Pro-hormone Supplement Blog.

^^ Good read on hdrol. I ran it for my first cycle for 6 weeks @ 50/75/75/75/75/75 and made between 15 20 lbs and was very lean. I chose it for my first cycle because it was low side effects and would strongly suggest you do the same.
Ehhh...I'm not a huge fan of PHs...they just seem so "sketchy"...I've heard of more liver problems, acne, and mood swings, and every other side you can think of from friends and gym members...I think it's because we don't really know as much about PH, and with AAS,for the most part, you know exactly what the compound is and can everywhere on the net and in medical books...
Just my $0.02

Hdrol is VERY mild on the sides. I know someone that did 4 weeks and never took any liver supports and never slacked up on drinking. He did have some inflammation when he went to the doctor for stomach ulcers I think it was, but that was a few days after the fact.

The Halodrol (H-Drol) Informative Bible. | Designer Steroids | - Legal Anabolic Steroid & Pro-hormone Supplement Blog.

^^ Good read on hdrol. I ran it for my first cycle for 6 weeks @ 50/75/75/75/75/75 and made between 15 20 lbs and was very lean. I chose it for my first cycle because it was low side effects and would strongly suggest you do the same.
Hdrol is VERY mild on the sides. I know someone that did 4 weeks and never took any liver supports and never slacked up on drinking. He did have some inflammation when he went to the doctor for stomach ulcers I think it was, but that was a few days after the fact.

The Halodrol (H-Drol) Informative Bible. | Designer Steroids | - Legal Anabolic Steroid & Pro-hormone Supplement Blog.

^^ Good read on hdrol. I ran it for my first cycle for 6 weeks @ 50/75/75/75/75/75 and made between 15 20 lbs and was very lean. I chose it for my first cycle because it was low side effects and would strongly suggest you do the same.

I'll check up on it, but I'm starting to lean towards stayin all natty till I'm closer to 24/25
I'll check up on it, but I'm starting to lean towards stayin all natty till I'm closer to 24/25

Probably the wisest thing but if you were to get your hands dirty I would grab that as a first cycle. I seriously got great gains and was mega lean.

After my post cycle therapy (pct) of hdrol sitting at about 180lbs:

I like the idea of slow steady dry gains...

if slow is what you want, why not just stay natural?

i mean, cmon - steroids are either for old guys who cant grow natural, or for serious athletes who have reached their natural limits and wanna get huge, and plan on doin that forever.
if slow is what you want, why not just stay natural?

i mean, cmon - steroids are either for old guys who cant grow natural, or for serious athletes who have reached their natural limits and wanna get huge, and plan on doin that forever.

lol, how embarrassing for you. You lack very basic common sense. Has to suck.
lol, how embarrassing for you.

not as embarassing as acting like you are the old veteran, but talking shit and acting rude like 16 year old boy.
why cant u just...idk...not coment after my posts if u have some problems with me? :)
i have never shown you any disrespect so you could try acting decent and at least dont be rude ;)
not as embarassing as acting like you are the old veteran, but talking shit and acting rude like 16 year old boy.
why cant u just...idk...not coment after my posts if u have some problems with me? :)
i have never shown you any disrespect so you could try acting decent and at least dont be rude ;)

You're clueless and admittedly failed to perform any blood work. You have shown everyone disrespect. You need to refrain from advising anyone before you hurt someone. Wait until your brain has developed a few more years.
i have done bloodwork...

by the way you are acting it seems that the one who needs few more years is you...

anyway, pls stop spamming after all my comments :)

I don't think you understand what "Spam" means.

You told me that you do not know what your HCT/RBC levels are, yet you've done blood work? So you're not only clueless, you're also a liar.

Seriously kid, go to your room.
You told me that you do not know what your HCT/RBC levels are, yet you've done blood work? So you're not only clueless, you're also a liar.

sry, doctors in other countries dont use english language so its only normal for me not to understand the stuff you are asking...
the thing is - doctors did the tests, doctors said its all good... i dont really need to translate stuff to prove something to 1 annoying guy on forums so i could impress you or whatever...
sry, doctors in other countries dont use english language so its only normal for me not to understand the stuff you are asking...
the thing is - doctors did the tests, doctors said its all good... i dont really need to translate stuff to prove something to 1 annoying guy on forums so i could impress you or whatever...

No. You said you gauged your recovery by feeling no side effects. And you certainly do need to prove it when you're attempting to defy science. It's an educational forum, not a magic forum.
i said i havent seen or felt any side effects on me... whats there to prove and why the hell would i want to prove that?

you can belive in everything you want to belive, im just saying stuff based on my own experience... you can "science" all you want, im just saying what i have tried and how i feel.
you should "science" less and do something... with no personal experience you dont really have anything besides articles from the internet or : "a dude i know is a doctor and he said..."
in this sport only one thing matters - what have you done and what can you do, not what you have red or what other have done ;)
i said i havent seen or felt any side effects on me... whats there to prove and why the hell would i want to prove that?

you can belive in everything you want to belive, im just saying stuff based on my own experience... you can "science" all you want, im just saying what i have tried and how i feel.
you should "science" less and do something... with no personal experience you dont really have anything besides articles from the internet or : "a dude i know is a doctor and he said..."
in this sport only one thing matters - what have you done and what can you do, not what you have red or what other have done ;)

Dude you have to catch a grip on reality. You were told in another thread THIS BOARD DOES NOT CONDONE OR ADVOCATE THE USE OF AAS IN ANYONE UNDER THE AGE OF 23. I don't care what your personal thoughts on the subject are these are the rules of the board you agreed to by becoming a member. If you want to keep advising ppl to cycle at such a young age find a forum that ok'd that kind of behavior. You have absolutely no knowledge of what you're doing and can't come to grips with how science is not subject to your fantasy land scenarios. And I don't know about anyone else but you're the last person I'd be asking for advice on steroids. A man that doesn't even know his own fucking age bc "he can't find his passport" kind of scares me. The fact that you think you're approach is safe and can't even tell me your true age kind of means your opinions are worth less than shit at the moment. The fact that you justify your reasoning with absurd examples tells me you're probably a lot less than the 25 you claim to be or your mental development ceased with one of your earlier cycles. Stop giving out bad info, giving out reckless advice, and spreading your bullshit on here. If you have a problem with that, the back button should be at the top left of your browser screen, use it to find another forum where your kind can rehash the good 'ole days of when we "scienced less".
No need to argue haha
But I decided to stay natty for now...
Thanks.for the info everyone

Good choice Frank.

Personally, doing AAS is a huge choice (one I havent done yet) but it is something that you need to make sure you are ready to suffer the consequences of. Personally, I think that you should focus on your career and education and do AAS when you are financially stable and such.
Good choice Frank.

Personally, doing AAS is a huge choice (one I havent done yet) but it is something that you need to make sure you are ready to suffer the consequences of. Personally, I think that you should focus on your career and education and do AAS when you are financially stable and such.

Good point on the $table comment! Haha