Cycle, diet, training 16 weeks out



Stats; 28 y/o, 4 competitions, 6', 220#, 4.3% bf (calipered--I know this measurment is inaccurate, however, it is a guage to measure progress weekly). I just competed in a national qualifier 4 weeks ago and made sure not to get fat. This cycle, diet, and training program were all tailored for me by an IFBB pro. Feel free to critique, but I probably won't sway very far considering the source coaching me. I do appreciate any feedback though.

Cycle--basic, nothing fancy

16 weeks out
1cc sos eod
.75cc deca eod
GH-5iu ed


16 weeks out
6-15 reps, high volume of sets, No cardio (Not doing cardio is driving me nuts considering 6 weeks ago I was doing 2 hours/day on the stairmaster) Training is very athletic at this point; all or mostly power moves, freeweight, balls to the fuckin wall.

Sat-rest-like sleep lots
Sun-rest-sleep more

Fun stuff--Diet

16 weeks

4 eggs
4 egg whites
1 C oats
2 slices wheat toast
1Tbs jam (regular with sugar)

8 oz steak
12 oz potato
veggies if room (i haven't been eating them so far and have been a little constipated; we use them more as the show gets closer and carbs are removed)

2 scoops whey
1 apple

8oz chicken
2 C rice

8oz steak
1 C rice

7p Train

IMMEDIATELY post workout--as in bring to gym
3 scoops whey
20 min later--massport by infinite labs

8 egg whites
1 C oats
cinnamon/splenda/sugar free jam to taste

450g protein
550g CHO
155g fat
+/- 5,200 kcal

GH taken 1 hour after last meal or preferably in the middle of the night when I get up to piss. I've tried GH in the AM/Postworkout/before bed. The IFBB pro said that because we grow while we sleep and produce GH while we sleep that is the best time. Probably preference; I've read timing of injects on GH through multiple discussions. Either way I will listen to my coach. Stay tuned for an update in cycle, diet, and training in 3 weeks.

Massage therapy weekly
Posing daily
Naps, lots of sleep day and night

Last show I crossed over from novice to open. My goal for this show is to win my weight class in the open division (heavyweight). I was 200# last show and hope to be over 207# this time.

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How many mg per ML/CC your gear dosed at?


875mg sostenon/week
600mg deca/week (approx)

Strangely, my coach is holding off another week on the dbol. I've always front loaded my cycles with dbol but he says it'll be 2-3 weeks until the Sustanon (sust) and deca start hitting hard; that's when we'll throw in the dbol.
See the above pic. I'm the guy in the middle (obviously)--hence the mask. So goals for this show; 7 lbs heavier, more thickness and separation in quads, hams. Bring up back, delts.
Your real big look real good dude and your so advanced i hesitate to profer anything as your waaaaay ahead of me..
Good luck.
Your real big look real good dude and your so advanced i hesitate to profer anything as your waaaaay ahead of me..
Good luck.

Thank you; is that you in your avatar? Your physique looks great from what I can see. Real thin skin, looking great!
I saw my coach today. We put on 9# within the last week (water) and increased bodyfat by 1%. We're adding dbol at 30mg/day this Monday. That means;

875mg sos/wk
600mg deca/wk
30mg dbol/day

Diet stays the same.
Training stays the same.

Is this an inappropriate forum for this thread?

Thanks again for the positive feedback. I appreciate negative feedback too.

I saw my coach today. We put on 9# within the last week (water) and increased bodyfat by 1%. We're adding dbol at 30mg/day this Monday. That means;

875mg sos/wk
600mg deca/wk
30mg dbol/day

Diet stays the same.
Training stays the same.

Is this an inappropriate forum for this thread?

Thanks again for the positive feedback. I appreciate negative feedback too.


you look great bro i would add masteron in there to give that hard look, or maybe Anavar (var) or Winstrol (winny) for the last 6 weeks, arn't you planning or cycling clen and ECA to drop the fat? or is that something your saving till the final few weeks? form your pic your looking good mate a little watery in the legs compared to the upper body but it's only one shot so maybe camera angle. Has your coach got you cycling carbs or is it pretty basic at this point? you could potentially drop the deca dose down a bit and add masteron as you get closer i think with the water that comes with deca and sus it would be beneficial to drop it 4 weeks out and switch to shorter esters like prop but your 16 weeks out so you have plenty of time to plan ahead. Nice cycle though it's refreshing to see something so simple which gives great results too many guys i no go fukin crazy especially at the half way point when the diet hits home the doses go crazy so props bro.
you look great bro i would add masteron in there to give that hard look, or maybe Anavar (var) or Winstrol (winny) for the last 6 weeks, arn't you planning or cycling clen and ECA to drop the fat? or is that something your saving till the final few weeks? form your pic your looking good mate a little watery in the legs compared to the upper body but it's only one shot so maybe camera angle. Has your coach got you cycling carbs or is it pretty basic at this point? you could potentially drop the deca dose down a bit and add masteron as you get closer i think with the water that comes with deca and sus it would be beneficial to drop it 4 weeks out and switch to shorter esters like prop but your 16 weeks out so you have plenty of time to plan ahead. Nice cycle though it's refreshing to see something so simple which gives great results too many guys i no go fukin crazy especially at the half way point when the diet hits home the doses go crazy so props bro.

Word. No need to go crazy with the gear. The beginner mentality is that gear=muscles. Hardcore dieting and hardcore training are most important; the gear just helps keep intensity up, and increases the Nitrogen balance allowing the body to utilize more protein, carbs and fat. I agree, prob switch to prop masteron Anavar (var) last 6 weeks utilizing clen/t3 as well. You're conditioning sucked. I'm trying to pose more, flex the legs, and increase volume in hopes that I can bring out some more separation ;)
Thanks for the advice.
Lookin solid man. I think 2 contests
within 6 months of each other is hard to do while still putting on mass.

Good luck in your efforts. Owning a whole
weight class at a contest is something few
will ever get to do. Work on upper chest.
Lookin solid man. I think 2 contests
within 6 months of each other is hard to do while still putting on mass.

Good luck in your efforts. Owning a whole
weight class at a contest is something few
will ever get to do. Work on upper chest.

Thanks, I appreciate the advice with the upper chest! I agree. We all want the sword, right? We compete to win! :)