cycle fitness model any advice welcome


New member
Hi all, here are my stats
5'11 194 5% bf
IM not on here asking what drugs to look like anyone i knwo when it comes to fitness its all diet/cardio
Diet in check
My metab and genes allow me to veer off with pizza here and there but when its time to buckle down i buckle down
I am currently a fitness model and sponsored athlete
I dont want to bloat badly as i can be called upon at any time
Test e
I dont know when to incorporate the Winstrol (winny) and or var
i have a heart murmur so cant run clen so i just run oxy elite pro stacked with another non stim usually with serious cardio
I am concerned with the dosage with the test e and the bloat i know its 250 twice a week, but if there is an alt im all for it.
My goals are another 10-15lbs of muscle i want to compete for physique if all goes well.
i dont drink or do drugs never tried.
Thank you in advance to all who chime in
I read somewhere that arimidex can make you retain water, where as aromasin doesn't? So theres a bit of advice for a AI.
I personally would go anavars for a fitness model, i have a friend running test e and anavars and 5 weeks in and he is so fucking shredded and vascular, good muscle/strength gains.
He is having a bit of trouble with joint pain... this can be from anavars drying them out. 1 dose of Animal Flex a day fixed this.

I am running test e and stanozolol at the moment and im only one week in so not much advice to be given on that perspective... But if you hold out a few weeks i can let you know how i go!
I have a post up of what im running though i feel from some feedback i may alter it a tad.. (e.g. uping my stanozolol dose slightly for a bit more vascularity and a week or two more of test e)

But keep on my post and you'll see results at the end!
Best of luck mate
IMO; this is a very grey area ; even for AAS. Many people in the AAS community look down on Mens Physique, often shooting down posters asking about cycles and compounds used. Discussions get very off track and their is no credible information anywhere.

In my opinion these are whats being used in mens physique ( massive generalization as people have different needs and size requirements )

Test - Used at 100-300mg per week mainly for libido and testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) purposes. Running test WILL increase estrogen and blurring muscle for puffier look. Using testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) level doses ensure you gain the benefits of test without looking like a bodybuilder (which is scored down in MPD).

Tren - Probably the best thing you can use, if you can handle it. No other compound can give you that "tren" look. Vascularity and separation. It's Fat-loss ability is questionable.

DHT's - Masteron/Stanz - Great for muscle condition and hardness. Too much however can make you look "too hard or sharp" which again is something judges score negatively for.

GH - id bet all my marbles that most pro's are using GH in the 4iu range. It's ability to keep you lean is it's biggest benefit, probably why it seems so easy for many top models to stay in shape year round, have you ever herd " i stay 2 weeks out all year " before ?

Doses are person dependent, but i'd be shocked if people where running over 1mg total of AAS per week.