Cycle for wrestler/boxer/(bbilder)


New member
Hi, I'm 35 years old and I'm doing wrestling ( 2 times a weak ) and boxing ( 3 times a weak ), I'm not bbilder but I also work out in the gym 1 to 3 times a week to keep my weight stable ( if I just wrestle or box my weight goes down and I want to keep at least 90 kilos )
I have done a few cycles in the past, like 5-6 or so, made out of 2 compounds usually.
Now I want to do a cycle mostly for recovery but I want to put some weight as well, but slowly ( If I make "mass cycles" I put 10 kilos in 2 months and cannot perform at boxing, not functional..)
I have at home few compounds which I consider to mix..

can I mix like 4 of them? Or it is better to mix 2 and other 2 in the second part of the cycle? I need a cycle for recovery and gaining slow quality mass..
P.S. What I have thought was Masteron 300mg, Deca 200 mg, Omna 250, Bold 200 per every 10 days. Please correct))
PPS I also use HGH temporary, for ligaments as I was a few years in the army ( carried much weight - fucked knees) and later a few years in sports and have a lot of traumas ( knee, shoulder etc.)
How is your diet? You say you can't keep weight on when you are boxing and wrestling......this could be because you are not consuming enough calories for starters.

HGH alone would be great for recovery.

I would not run a lot of different compounds for something like this, instaed just stick with a good test base.

Deaca always kills my cardio so not sure tha would be good for you.
Thank you for your advice. I included boldenon and masteron as they are good for fighters, test as a base and deca for joints ( as I said I have problems with ligaments). Can I include a minimum of 100 mg deca? for joints?in order not to kill cardio? or test would be enough?
What compounds out of those four would you mix for a cycle for a fighter and for slow eoight gain and in what dose?