Cycle Help Please!


New member
Hope this is in the right place, if not I'm sorry and tell me where to move it please. Thanks,

My Cycle Journal - Testosterone Enanthate & Dbol
Ok, so here we go. Im 21, 5'10", and 175 lbs and about 7% bodyfat. I'll get some exact measurments when I get home tonight, along with some 'before' pics. I've been working out for 2.5 years, but have only had my diet down for about 1.5 years. So after doing an exhaustive amount of research, starting my new lifting routine, and stuffing myself nonstop to prepare my body for the change, I'm finally ready to get HUUGGE!! lol Heres what my cycle, diet, and workout schedule looks like:


Weeks 1-10: Test E - 500mg (250mg 2x a week)
Weeks 1-4: Dbol tabs (danabol) - 30mg (10mg 3x a day)
Weeks 12-16: Post Cycle- Nolva 40, 30, 20, 20


Two cups oatmeal, milk,
4 eggs
1 Banana
Large scoop of peanut butter
1 taplespoon of flax seed oil

weight gainer shake (50 grams protein)

Tuna, Salmon, or Chicken breast
baked potato

mid-afternoon (after workout):
weight gainer shake (50 grams protein)

Steak, Chicken, fish
greens of some sort
small portion of pasta

Before Bed:
Casein Protein shake (35g protein)
1 tablespoon of flax seed oil
apple, cottage cheese

...Oh yeah and water, water, WATER!! about 2 gallons a day!

Training Routine (thanks Big A):

Mon - Back, Traps, Abs
Pullups as warm-up- 3 x 20
Deadlift- warmup set, 4 x 6-8
DB Rows- 4 x 6-8
Lat Pulldowns- 4 x 6-8
Shrugs (DB and BB)- 3 x 8-10 of each
Upper abs- 6-9 x 12-15

Tues - Chest
Flat Bench- 2 warm-up sets, 4 x 6-8
Incline DB Press- 4 x 6-8
Seated Machine Press- 3 x 6-8
Cable Cross-overs- 3 x 8-10

Wed-Legs, abs
Squats- 2 warm-ups, 3 x 8-10
Leg extensions- 3 x 8-10
Leg Curls- 3 x 8-10
Leg Press- 3 x 8-10
Lower Abs- 6-9 x 12-15


Fri - Arms, Abs
Standing BB Curl- 4 x 6-8
Preacher Curl- 3 x 6-8
Hammer Curl- 3 x 6-8
Close Grip Bench- 3 x 6-8
Skull Crushers- 4 x 6-8
Overhead DB Extension or Pressdowns- 3 x 6-8
Obliques- 6-9 x 12-15

Sat- Shoulders
Rotator cuff rotations with 5lb for warm-up
BB Military Press- 1 warm-up, 3 x 6-8
Arnold Press- 3 x 6-8
Rear Delt Cable raises- 3 x 6-8

My main question is if I have a proper pct, if I need to take arimidex during the cycle (don't want to because of the price, but if it's necessary I will)? I'm also wondering if I'm still too young, I know test production doesn't slow down til around 26, but I'd love to gain a quick 15 or 20 pounds of muscle to help with my boxing, and baseball. I'd also rather get into fitness modeling instead of what I'm doing now
(I know it sounds gay, but going into med school I need all the money I can get). I've attached on of my pics so you guys can get an idea of what I need to prove on etc. Btw my traps are now proportional with my body, even though they weren't in the picture lol

Thanks Guys,

Is that really you ??? I ll swear to any god u believe in I saw that photo on the last pack of underwear I bought at abercrombie and itch...if so..
...test only for 12 weeks at 500 a week
Aromatase inhibitor (AI) on hand
pct..28 days of chlomid at 50 a simple the abs on the guy in the photo..who is he ??
Is that really you ??? I ll swear to any god u believe in I saw that photo on the last pack of underwear I bought at abercrombie and itch...if so..
...test only for 12 weeks at 500 a week
Aromatase inhibitor (AI) on hand
pct..28 days of chlomid at 50 a simple the abs on the guy in the photo..who is he ??

great advice!

and LMAO at the side comments!
Lol ya that's actually me, Sean Russell. I want to get more into fitness modeling which is why I need to gain the weight. Thanks for the advice though. Am I alright on age to start juicing then?
Lol ya that's actually me, Sean Russell. I want to get more into fitness modeling which is why I need to gain the weight. Thanks for the advice though. Am I alright on age to start juicing then?

I would wiat till past 25 to ensure you don't close your growth plates. Plus your natty test levels will be lower then which will give you way better gains then you would get now.
OK, that's kind of the general consensus I've been getting from everybody. I'll just wait it out then. Do you guys see anything that can be changed in my diet and workout that would help me gain?
Lol ya that's actually me, Sean Russell. I want to get more into fitness modeling which is why I need to gain the weight. Thanks for the advice though. Am I alright on age to start juicing then?

It's borderline on the growth plates to be honest. I don't think you need to wait until age 25. 21-22 is generally when they close and a lot of times before then. It's just something you need to be mindful of. The cycle itself looks great and I agree with Test only for your first if you are going to do it. Make sure to get an Aromatase inhibitor (AI) (Aromatase Inhibitor) such as Aromasin (Exemestane) and dose it at 12.5mg ED and adjust up or down as needed. It's always nice to have Letro on hand too. I agree with Teutonic on the rest dude. Good luck if you decide to take the plunge.