Cycle Questions

  • Thread starter Thread starter Dirk_eagles
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I have taken a couple cycles of PH's in the past and recently tried a cycle test sust about 6 months ago. I am getting ready to run a cycle of tren thats been converted from Finaplix-H. I also have a bottle of Beastdrol and have heard the two really work well together and can be a great cycle. I have been researching for almost six months now and there is so much misinformation out there and difference of opinon. Please Help!! Should I take them together or should I not? What type of post cycle therapy (pct) is best? I know MR. Supps says you only need to take theirs with the that true? I'm 6'5 225 probably around 18 percent body fat. Ive been working out pretty consistently for about 5 years now. I am also 28 years old. Any help would be much appreciated! Note I also posted this in another area of this site cause I wasnt sure if that was technically right...sorry if this was a no no.
if you have a source for test, use it. you obviously have no problem with legality so make sure you have a test base to use with your tren.... unless you like feeling like shit on cycle...?

as far as post cycle therapy (pct) use clomid or clomid and nolva.

Clomid at 50/50/50/50. nolva can vary some say 40/40/20/20 some 20/20/20/20. you make the call.
Thanks for the input bro! Anyone else out there having anything for me?
Well tren is nasty shit beware. Imo if this is truely your second cycle a test deca or test dbol would be an easier way. Tren is the king of juice. But it makes little guys look big. Haha
Im still planning on doing more research on everything. But if I decided to do this cycle how much do you think i could gain if I ate right and trained hard?
if you went with test tren and did a beast jumpstart you could do a complete recomp of your body and no one would recognize it was you. it all depends on your diet. and keeping it in pct is a whole other battle.

to be honest there are so many variables that come into how your cycle could go that no one could guess accurately.
I am so unsure what to do because it seems like so many people are down on tren and beast because of how harsh they can be. If i did run that cycle should i do beast for four weeks and the test and tren for ten weeks? And as for post cycle therapy (pct) the recovery that beastdrol suggest and clomid? Thanks again
however long you run test and tren depends on the esters you choose.

clomid would be the preferred pct according to some. A lot of people seem to think that 19-nors shouldn't be pct'd with nolva because it might aggravate prolactin sides.

but as long as the tren has cleared your system i don't think there would be a problem. if anything you could just run the test longer. and pct with both nolva and clomid.